Each host and component that you provision in an Endeca application displays its system status on the EAC Admin Console page of Oracle Workbench.

Oracle Commerce Workbench displays a summary of the component’s status in the collapsed view of the Hosts tab and Components tab. You can access details about each component (except the Log Server, which does not log its own activities) via the status link next to each component. Clicking the status link displays start time, duration (how long the component has been running), and the last time Oracle Commerce Workbench checked the component’s status.

You can manually refresh the status display by clicking the Refresh Status button. You can also set the page to be refreshed automatically (at a pre-set interval) by checking the Auto Refresh checkbox. This option is useful when a baseline update is in progress and the system state changes frequently. By default, this option is turned off because the overall system state changes infrequently.

To view the latest log for an Endeca component (except for the Log Server which does not log its own actions), navigate to the Components tab and click the Edit link to expand the component properties. Browse to the log file directory indicated in the Log File field.

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