This section describes the public JSON formats of workspaces. Note that business users see workspaces in the Experience Manager interface as projects.

The following properties are specific to workspace behavior and only appear in documents within in the workspace tree. For example, /ifcr/sites/Discover/workspaces would be the workspace tree for the Discover Electronics reference application. Only documents within /workspaces would use these properties.






The ecr:operation is required on all workspace documents.

Workspaces only contain the documents that were added or modified for that workspace. This workspace must be merged with the published documents to produce the complete set of documents. The operation defines how the workspace document is merged with the published documents to produce the final set of documents that are available in the user interface.


In either case, the workspace document appears after the operation is applied.



Represents a document placeholder that is used solely for representing the ancestors to a document that is being updated in the workspace.

If the ecr:operation is not specified, then the implicit value is add-or-replace to be consistent with the existing export/import interface.


A UTC-formatted date/time string.


This property enforces an optimistic locking strategy for updates and deletions. For documents being updated or deleted by the workspace, the branchPoint is set to the lastModified value of the published document being updated or deleted. Later, it is checked against the lastModified value of the deleted or updated published document to ensure that the published document has not been updated since being branched into the workspace.



Specifies an absolute path to a published document. For example: /sites/Discover/content/Shared/GuidedNavigation.

The ecr:movedToLocation property can optionally appear on a workspace document. This metadata is being maintained so a business user can be provided with a document's new published location if it moves after the user starts working on it. It has no other effect on the document or workspace. It could appear on a document that is being deleted or updated in a workspace, if that document moves to a new location since it was branched.



This property correlates two documents in the workspace as originating from a move operation. Specifically, it correlates one delete-or-ignore with one add-or-replace document.

This property appears on the add-or-replace document at the target location for a move. Its value is the absolute path of to the document 's source location, where the delete-or-ignore document is located. For example: /sites/Discover/pages/DiscoverElectronics/about-us.



This property correlates two documents in the workspace as originating from a move operation. Specifically, it correlates one delete-or-ignore with one add-or-replace document.

This property appears on the delete-or-ignore document at the source location for a move. Its value is the absolute path to the document's new location -- where the add-or-replace document is located. For example: /sites/Discover/pages/DiscoverElectronics/new-about-us.


string for the path location

This property appears on all descendant documents that were moved as a result of moving the parent document. Its value is the absolute path to the document's source location. The workspace isolation code uses this property to distinguish the descendants that were added to the workspace as a result of the move from those manually added by an Experience Manager user after the move. For example, if a user moves a content folder, all of its content items or folders are also moved. The value of ecr:moveChild is that of the ecr:moveSource of it's parent plus the child document's name.



This property contains the original path of a document when it was first branched into the project. The value never changes from its original value. For example, if /a/b/c is branched for update and then moved to /a/d/c in the same project, the ecr:branchedPath value remains /a/b/c. This property appears only on project documents.

The following example shows an exported content folder and content item of a workspace where a content item was moved between content folders -- from the holiday_sale folder to the summer_special folder. It has the same format as a published content plus the additional properties that you would find only within a workspace:

Here is the JSON for the exported workspace source content folder at /holiday_sale:

  "ecr:type": "content-collection-folder",
  "ecr:operation": "ignore-or-add",
  "ecr:createDate": "2014-12-31T10:30:00.000Z",
  "ecr:createdBy": "Melanie Martin",
  "ecr:branchedPath": /sites/Discover/content/holiday_sale

Here is the JSON for the exported workspace content item at /holiday_sale/MyContentItem:

  "ecr:type": "content-item",
  "ecr:operation": "delete-or-ignore",
                     "ecr:branchPoint": "2014-12-29T10:30:00.000Z",
  "ecr:createDate": "2014-12-31T10:30:00.000Z",
  "ecr:createdBy": "Melanie Martin",
  "ecr:moveTarget": "/sites/Discover/content/summer_special/MyContentItem",
  "ecr:branchedPath": /sites/Discover/content/holiday_sale/MyContentItem

Here is the JSON for the exported workspace target content folder at /summer_special:

  "ecr:operation": "ignore-or-add",
  "ecr:branchedPath": /sites/Discover/content/summer_special,
  "ecr:createDate": "2014-12-31T10:30:00.000Z",
  "ecr:type": "content-collection-folder"

Here is the JSON for the exported workspace content item at /summer_special/MyContentItem:

  "workflowState": "ACTIVE",
  "priority": 10,
  "triggers": [{
  "exactLocation": true,
  "dvalIDs": ["100972"]}],
  "ecr:operation": "add-or-replace",
  "ecr:lastModified": "2014-01-01T10:30:00.000Z",
  "ecr:lastModifiedBy": "Melanie Martin",
  "ecr:moveSource": "/sites/Discover/content/holiday_sale/MyContentItem",
  "ecr:branchedPath": "/sites/Discover/content/holiday_sale/MyContentItem",
  "ecr:createDate": "2014-12-31T10:30:00.000Z",
  "ecr:type": "content-item"

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