Administrators and administrative users with permissions can configure groups on the User Management page.

You can add a group in one of these ways:

The LDAP options are only available if you have configured Oracle Workbench to use LDAP for user authentication. For more information about using Workbench with LDAP, see Integrating LDAP with Oracle Commerce Workbench.

To add a group to Workbench:

  1. From Administrative Tools, click User Management.

  2. Click the Groups tab, and then click Add Group.

    The Create Group dialog displays.

  3. Select a Source. If your site uses LDAP, then LDAP is already selected; if not, there is no Source to select.

  4. Enter a name in the Group ID field.

  5. If your Source is LDAP, click Validate to determine if you have entered a valid LDAP group name.

    If you entered a valid LDAP group name, then Workbench retrieves available group information and populates the name and email fields. This information is not editable.

  6. If your Source is Workbench, complete the following optional fields:

  7. If your Source is Commerce, click Validate to determine if you have entered a valid Commerce organization name. Organization names are the Oracle Commerce Platform equivalents of Workbench group IDs.

    If you entered a valid Commerce organization name, then Workbench retrieves available information from the Oracle Commerce Platform internal user repository and populates email field. The email field is not editable. You can enter an optional name in the Name field. This name does not synch with any fields in the internal user repository.

  8. If you want to make this group a member of another group, select a group in which to add the group from the Select a group drop-down, and click the Include in Group button. Repeat this for each group in which you want to add the group as a subgroup.

    The group is granted any permissions of the group in which it is a subgroup.

    Permissions are cumulative. For example, if the new group belongs to two groups: group A and group B, and group A has permission to use a tool and group B does not, then the new group has access to the tool due to his or her membership in group A.

  9. To populate this group with users and groups, click the Membership tab.

  10. If you want to give the group additional permission to use tools or to access content that group membership does not provide, then follow these steps. You cannot use this procedure to remove permissions that a group is granted by membership in another group.

  11. Click Save .

The new group profile displays on the Groups tab of the User Management page.

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