Oracle Commerce Workbench provides an interface for viewing and analyzing reports produced by the Report Generator.

In order for Oracle Commerce Workbench to display these reports, report files and associated charts need to be created and delivered to a directory in Oracle Commerce Workbench's workspace. Alternatively, a "webstudio" host can be provisioned with a "webstudio-report-dir" custom directory, which indicates to Oracle Commerce Workbench where it should read reports for the application. In addition, the files need to be named with a date stamp to conform to Oracle Commerce Workbench's naming convention. The Deployment Template includes report generation scripts that perform these naming and copying steps to deliver reports for Oracle Commerce Workbench to read. Common extension or customization of this functionality may occur when one or more of the components in the reporting lifecycle run in different environments. The AppConfig.xml allows components to work independently of each other. Specifically, the LogServer can be configured to deliver files to an arbitrary directory, from where the files can be copied to another environment for report generation. Similarly, the Report Generator's output report can be delivered to an arbitrary target directory, from where the files can be copied to another environment for display in Oracle Commerce Workbench.

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