This section describes the public JSON formats of content items. Note that business users see content items in the Experience Manager interface as rules.

Public format for content-root

Properties in the JSON file:


  "ecr:createDate": "2015-08-11T14:57:34.708Z",
  "ecr:type": "content-root"

Public format for content-collection-folder

Properties in the JSON file:


		"ecr:type": "content-collection-folder",
  "ecr:createDate": "2015-02-11T14:57:34.906Z", 
  "contentType": "MainContent", 

Public format for content-item

Properties in the JSON file:

Required. Specifies the search term/dimension value under which this content-item is triggered. Specify an array of one or more of the following types of trigger:

Specify an empty array if you are not using triggers.

Search term triggers

A search term produces a content-item when a user's query includes the search term. Properties in the JSON file are:


"triggers": { 
		 "exactLocation": false, 
		 "searchTerms": "camera bags", 
		 "matchmode": "MATCHPHRASE", 
   "searchTermExpansions": {
	      "0": {"camera": ["camera"]},
	      "1": {"bags": ["bag"]}

In this example, searchTermExpansions has the format: "tokenNumber": {"token": ["representative stems"]}

Dimension value trigger

A collection of one or more dimension values can trigger a content-item, if user's navigation state contains those dimension values. Properties in the JSON file:


		  "exactLocation": true, 
		  "dvalIDs": ["4294967266"] 

Search term and dimension value based trigger

A search term can trigger a content-item if user's query includes those terms and the user's navigation state contains specified dimension values. Properties in the JSON file:


"triggers": [
   "exactLocation": false,
   "searchTerms": "camera bags",
   "matchmode": "MATCHPHRASE",
   "dvalIDs": ["4294967266"],
   "searchTermExpansions": {
     "0": {"camera": ["camera"]},
     "1": {"bags": ["bag"]}

In this example, searchTermExpansions has the format: "tokenNumber": {"token": ["representative stems"]}

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