A Dgraph element launches the Dgraph (MDEX Engine) software, which processes queries against the indexed Endeca records.

Every Application Controller component contains the following attributes:

The Dgraph element contains the following sub-elements:




Command-line flags to pass to Dgraph, expressed as a set of arg sub-elements. If an argument takes a value, the argument and value must be on separate lines in the provisioning file. For example:



Required. The port at which the Dgraph should listen. The default is 8000.


The path to and name of the Dgraph log file. If the log-file is not specified, the default is component working directory plus component name plus “.log”.


Required. Path and prefix name for the Dgidx output that the Dgraph uses as an input.


Path and file prefix that define the input for the Dgraph. For example, in /endeca/project/files/myProject, files beginning with myProject in the directory /endeca/project/files are the ones to be considered.


Working directory for the process that is launched. If it is specified, it must be an absolute path. If any of the other properties of this component contain relative paths, they are interpreted as relative to the working directory. If working-dir is not specified, it defaults to $ENDECA_CONF/work/<appName>/<componentName> on UNIX, or %ENDECA_CONF%\work\<appName>/<componentName> on Windows.


Specifies the amount of time in seconds that the Application Controller waits while starting the Dgraph. If it cannot determine that the Dgraph is running in this timeframe, it times out. The default is 60.


Path to and name of the request log.


If specified, is the directory in which the Dgraph will look for Aspell files. If it is not specified, the Dgraph will look for Aspell files in the Dgraph’s input directory (that is, input-prefix without the prefix). For example, if input-prefix is /dir/prefix and all the Dgraph input files are /dir/prefix.*, the Dgraph will look for the Aspell files in /dir/.


Specifies the directory from which the Dgraph reads partial update file. For more information, see the Endeca Partial Updates Guide.


Specifies the file for update-related log messages.


A temporary directory used by this component.


Contains three sub-elements of its own:

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