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man pages section 3: Extended Library Functions, Volume 1

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Updated: Wednesday, July 27, 2022

edoc (3erl)


edoc - the Erlang program documentation generator.


Please see following description for synopsis


edoc(3)                    Erlang Module Definition                    edoc(3)

       edoc - EDoc - the Erlang program documentation generator.

       EDoc - the Erlang program documentation generator.

       This module provides the main user interface to EDoc.

         * EDoc User Manual

         * Running EDoc

         comment() = erl_comment_scan:comment():

         edoc_module() = xmerl_scan:xmlElement():

           The EDoc documentation data for a module, expressed as an XML docu-
           ment in XMerL format. See the file edoc.dtd for details.

         entry()  =  #entry{name=function_name()  |  atom(),  args=[atom()   |
         list()], line=integer(), export=boolean(), data=entry_data()}:

           Module Entries (one per function, plus module header and footer).

         entry_data() = term():

         env() = #env{}:

           Environment information needed by EDoc for generating references.

         filename() = file:filename():

         function_name() = {atom(), integer()}:

         module_meta() = #module{name=[] | atom(), parameters=none | [atom()],
         functions=ordset(function_name()),   exports=ordset(function_name()),
         attributes=ordset({atom(),   term()}),   records=[{atom(),  [{atom(),
         term()}]}], encoding=epp:source_encoding(), file=file:filename()}:

           Module information.

         ordset(T) = ordsets:ordset(T):

         proplist() = proplists:proplist():

         syntaxTree() = erl_syntax:syntaxTree():

         tag() =  #tag{name=atom(),  line=integer(),  origin=comment  |  code,
         data=term(), form=undefined | erl_parse:abstract_form()}:

           Generic  tag  information. #tag.form is only defined if #tag.origin
           is code, that is the #tag{} represents a code fragment, not  a  doc
           comment tag.

       application(App::atom()) -> ok

              Equivalent to application(Application, []).

       application(App, Options) -> ok


                 App = atom()
                 Options = proplist()

              Run  EDoc  on  an  application in its default app-directory. See
              application/3 for details.

              See also: application/1.

       application(App, Dir, Options) -> ok


                 App = atom()
                 Dir = filename()
                 Options = proplist()

              Run EDoc on an application located in the  specified  directory.
              Tries  to  automatically  set  up good defaults. Unless the user
              specifies otherwise:

                * The doc subdirectory will be used as the  target  directory,
                  if it exists; otherwise the application directory is used.

                * The  source  code is assumed to be located in the src subdi-
                  rectory, if it  exists,  or  otherwise  in  the  application
                  directory itself.

                * The  subpackages option is turned on. All found source files
                  will be processed.

                * The include  subdirectory  is  automatically  added  to  the
                  include  path.  (Only  important if  preprocessing is turned

              See run/2 for details, including options.

              See also: application/2.

       file(Name::filename()) -> ok

              This function is deprecated: See file/2 for details.

              Equivalent to file(Name, []).

       file(Name, Options) -> ok


                 Name = filename()
                 Options = proplist()

              This function is deprecated: This is part of the  old  interface
              to EDoc and is mainly kept for backwards compatibility. The pre-
              ferred way of generating documentation is  through  one  of  the
              functions application/2 and files/2.

              Reads  a source code file and outputs formatted documentation to
              a corresponding file.


                {dir, filename()}:
                  Specifies the output directory for  the  created  file.  (By
                  default,  the  output  is  written  to  the directory of the
                  source file.)

                {source_suffix, string()}:
                  Specifies the expected suffix of the input file. The default
                  value is ".erl".

                {file_suffix, string()}:
                  Specifies the suffix for the created file. The default value
                  is ".html".

              See get_doc/2 and layout/2 for further options.

              For   running   EDoc   from   a   Makefile   or   similar,   see

              See also: read/2.

       files(Files::[filename()]) -> ok

       files(Files, Options) -> ok


                 Files = [filename()]
                 Options = proplist()

              Runs EDoc on a given set of source files. See run/2 for details,
              including options.

       get_doc(File::filename()) -> {module(), edoc_module()}

              Equivalent to get_doc(File, []).

       get_doc(File, Options) -> R


                 File = filename()
                 Options = proplist()
                 R = {module(),  edoc_module()}  |  {module(),  edoc_module(),

              Reads  a  source code file and extracts EDoc documentation data.
              Note that without  an  environment  parameter  (see  get_doc/3),
              hypertext links may not be correct.


                {def, Macros}:

                  * Macros = Macro | [Macro]

                  * Macro = {Name::atom(), Text::string() | MacroFun}

                  * MacroFun  = fun((MacroArgument::string(), Line::integer(),
                    edoc_lib:edoc_env()) -> (Text::string()))

                  Specifies a set of user-defined EDoc macros. The  text  sub-
                  stituted  for  macro calls is specified as either a string()
                  or a function(). The function is called with the macro argu-
                  ment text, the current line number, and the current environ-
                  ment. The fun is to return a string(). See  Macro  expansion
                  for details.

                {hidden, boolean()}:
                  If the value is true, documentation of hidden functions will
                  also be included. The default value is false.

                {private, boolean()}:
                  If the value is true,  documentation  of  private  functions
                  will also be included. The default value is false.

                {todo, boolean()}:
                  If  the  value  is  true, To-Do notes written using @todo or
                  @TODO tags  will  be  included  in  the  documentation.  The
                  default value is false.

              See  read_source/2,  read_comments/2  and edoc_lib:get_doc_env/3
              for further options.

              See    also:     get_doc/3,     layout/2,     read/2,     run/2,

       get_doc(File, Env, Options) -> R


                 File = filename()
                 Env = env()
                 Options = proplist()
                 R  =  {module(),  edoc_module()}  | {module(), edoc_module(),

              Like get_doc/2, but for a given environment parameter. Env is an
              environment created by edoc_lib:get_doc_env/3.

       layout(Doc::edoc_module()) -> string()

              Equivalent to layout(Doc, []).

       layout(Doc, Opts) -> string()


                 Doc = edoc_module()
                 Opts = proplist()

              Transforms  EDoc  module documentation data to text. The default
              layout creates an HTML document.


                {layout, Module::atom()}:
                  Specifies a callback module to be used for  formatting.  The
                  module  must  export  a  function  module(Doc, Options). The
                  default callback module is edoc_layout; see edoc_layout:mod-
                  ule/2 for layout-specific options.

              See also: file/2, layout/1, read/2, run/2.

       read(File::filename()) -> string()

              Equivalent to read(File, []).

       read(File, Opts) -> string()


                 File = filename()
                 Opts = proplist()

              Reads  and  processes  a  source  file and returns the resulting
              EDoc-text as a string. See get_doc/2 and layout/2 for options.

              See also: file/2.

       read_comments(File::filename()) -> [comment()]

              Equivalent to read_comments(File, []).

       read_comments(File, Opts) -> [comment()]


                 File = filename()
                 Opts = proplist()

              Extracts comments from an Erlang source code file. See the  mod-
              ule  erl_comment_scan(3)  for  details  on the representation of
              comments. Currently, no options are avaliable.

       read_source(Name::filename()) -> [syntaxTree()]

              Equivalent to read_source(File, []).

       read_source(File, Opts) -> [syntaxTree()]


                 File = filename()
                 Opts = proplist()

              Reads an Erlang source file and returns the list of "source code
              form" syntax trees.


                {preprocess, boolean()}:
                  If  the  value is true, the source file will be read via the
                  Erlang preprocessor  (epp).  The  default  value  is  false.
                  no_preprocess is an alias for {preprocess, false}.

                  Normally,  preprocessing  is not necessary for EDoc to work,
                  but if a file contains too exotic  definitions  or  uses  of
                  macros,  it  will not be possible to read it without prepro-
                  cessing. Note: comments in included files will not be avail-
                  able to EDoc, even with this option enabled.

                {includes, Path::[string()]}:
                  Specifies  a  list  of  directory  names  to be searched for
                  include files, if the preprocess option is turned  on.  Also
                  used  with  the  @headerfile  tag.  The default value is the
                  empty list. The directory of the source file is always auto-
                  matically appended to the search path.

                {macros, [{atom(), term()}]}:
                  Specifies  a  list  of pre-defined Erlang preprocessor (epp)
                  macro definitions, used if the preprocess option  is  turned
                  on. The default value is the empty list.

                {report_missing_types, boolean()}:
                  If the value is true, warnings are issued for missing types.
                  The default value is false.  no_report_missing_types  is  an
                  alias for {report_missing_types, false}.

                {link_predefined_types, boolean()}:
                  If  the value is true, all predefined data types will have a
                  link to the erlang module. This option is to  be  used  when
                  generating   documentation  for  the  Erlang/OTP  docs.  The
                  default value is false. no_link_predefined_types is an alias
                  for {link_predefined_types, false}.

              See also: erl_syntax(3), get_doc/2.

       run(Files, Opts) -> ok


                 Files = [filename()]
                 Opts = proplist()

              Runs  EDoc  on a given set of source files. Note that the doclet
              plugin module has its own particular  options;  see  the  doclet
              option below.

              Also  see layout/2 for layout-related options, and get_doc/2 for
              options related to reading source files.


                {app_default, string()}:
                  Specifies the default base URI for unknown applications.

                {application, App::atom()}:
                  Specifies that the  generated  documentation  describes  the
                  application App. This mainly affects generated references.

                {dir, filename()}:
                  Specifies  the target directory for the generated documenta-

                {doc_path, [string()]}:
                  Specifies a list of file system paths pointing  to  directo-
                  ries  that  contain  EDoc-generated documentation. All paths
                  for applications in the code path are automatically added.

                {doclet, Module::atom()}:
                  Specifies a callback module to be used for creating the doc-
                  umentation.  The  module  must  export  a  function run(Cmd,
                  Ctxt).  The  default  doclet  module  is  edoc_doclet;   see
                  edoc_doclet:run/2 for doclet-specific options.

                {file_suffix, string()}:
                  Specifies  the  suffix  used  for  output files. The default
                  value is ".html". Note that this also affects generated ref-

                {new, boolean()}:
                  If  the  value  is  true, any existing edoc-info file in the
                  target  directory  will  be  ignored  and  overwritten.  The
                  default value is false.

                {source_path, [filename()]}:
                  Specifies  a  list  of  file system paths used to locate the
                  source code for packages.

                {source_suffix, string()}:
                  Specifies the expected suffix of input  files.  The  default
                  value is ".erl".

                {subpackages, boolean()}:
                  If  the value is true, all subpackages of specified packages
                  will also be included  in  the  documentation.  The  default
                  value is false. no_subpackages is an alias for {subpackages,

                  Subpackage source files are found by  recursively  searching
                  for  source code files in subdirectories of the known source
                  code root directories. (Also see  the  source_path  option.)
                  Directory  names must begin with a lowercase letter and con-
                  tain only alphanumeric characters and  underscore,  or  they
                  will  be  ignored.  (For example, a subdirectory named test-
                  files will not be searched.)

              See also: application/2, files/2.

       Richard Carlsson <carlsson.richard@gmail.com>

                                   edoc 1.1                            edoc(3)