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man pages section 3: Extended Library Functions, Volume 1

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Updated: Wednesday, July 27, 2022

wxSashEvent (3erl)


wxSashEvent - Functions for wxSashEvent class


Please see following description for synopsis


wxSashEvent(3)             Erlang Module Definition             wxSashEvent(3)

       wxSashEvent - Functions for wxSashEvent class

       A  sash  event is sent when the sash of a wxSashWindow has been dragged
       by the user.

       Remark: When a sash belonging to a sash window is dragged by the  user,
       and  then  released,  this event is sent to the window, where it may be
       processed by an event table entry in a derived class, a  plug-in  event
       handler or an ancestor class. Note that the wxSashWindow doesn't change
       the window's size itself. It relies on the application's event  handler
       to  do  that.  This is because the application may have to handle other
       consequences of the resize, or it may wish to veto it  altogether.  The
       event  handler  should look at the drag rectangle: see getDragRect/1 to
       see what the new size of the window would be if the resize were  to  be
       applied.  It  should  also call getDragStatus/1 to see whether the drag
       was OK or out of the current allowed range.

       See: wxSashWindow, Overview events

       This class is derived (and  can  use  functions)  from:  wxCommandEvent

       wxWidgets docs: wxSashEvent

       Use  wxEvtHandler:connect/3 with wxSashEventType to subscribe to events
       of this type.

       wxSashEvent() = wx:wx_object()

       wxSash() =
           #wxSash{type = wxSashEvent:wxSashEventType(),
                   edge = wx:wx_enum(),
                   dragRect =
                       {X :: integer(),
                        Y :: integer(),
                        W :: integer(),
                        H :: integer()},
                   dragStatus = wx:wx_enum()}

       wxSashEventType() = sash_dragged

       getEdge(This) -> wx:wx_enum()


                 This = wxSashEvent()

              Returns the dragged edge.

              The return value is one of wxSASH_TOP, wxSASH_RIGHT, wxSASH_BOT-
              TOM, wxSASH_LEFT.

       getDragRect(This) ->
                      {X :: integer(),
                       Y :: integer(),
                       W :: integer(),
                       H :: integer()}


                 This = wxSashEvent()

              Returns the rectangle representing the new size the window would
              be if the resize was applied.

              It is up to the application to set the window size if required.

       getDragStatus(This) -> wx:wx_enum()


                 This = wxSashEvent()

              Returns  the  status  of  the  sash:  one  of  wxSASH_STATUS_OK,

              If  the  drag  caused the notional bounding box of the window to
              flip over, for example, the drag will be out of rage.

wxWidgets team.                    wx 2.1.1                     wxSashEvent(3)