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man pages section 3: Extended Library Functions, Volume 1

Exit Print View

Updated: Wednesday, July 27, 2022

wxPrinter (3erl)


wxPrinter - Functions for wxPrinter class


Please see following description for synopsis


wxPrinter(3)               Erlang Module Definition               wxPrinter(3)

       wxPrinter - Functions for wxPrinter class

       This  class  represents  the  Windows or PostScript printer, and is the
       vehicle through which printing may be launched by an application.

       Printing can also be achieved through  using  of  lower  functions  and
       classes,  but this and associated classes provide a more convenient and
       general method of printing.

       See: Overview printing, wxPrinterDC (not implemented in wx), wxPrintDi-
       alog, wxPrintout, wxPrintPreview

       wxWidgets docs: wxPrinter

       wxPrinter() = wx:wx_object()

       new() -> wxPrinter()

       new(Options :: [Option]) -> wxPrinter()


                 Option = {data, wxPrintDialogData:wxPrintDialogData()}


              Pass  an optional pointer to a block of print dialog data, which
              will be copied to the printer object's local data.

              See: wxPrintDialogData, wxPrintData

       createAbortWindow(This, Parent, Printout) -> wxDialog:wxDialog()


                 This = wxPrinter()
                 Parent = wxWindow:wxWindow()
                 Printout = wxPrintout:wxPrintout()

              Creates the default printing abort window, with a cancel button.

       getAbort(This) -> boolean()


                 This = wxPrinter()

              Returns true if the user has aborted the print job.

       getLastError() -> wx:wx_enum()

              Return last error.

              Valid  after  calling  print/4,  printDialog/2  or   wxPrintPre-

              These functions set last error to wxPRINTER_NO_ERROR if no error

              Returned value is one of the following:

       getPrintDialogData(This) -> wxPrintDialogData:wxPrintDialogData()


                 This = wxPrinter()

              Returns the print data associated with the printer object.

       print(This, Parent, Printout) -> boolean()


                 This = wxPrinter()
                 Parent = wxWindow:wxWindow()
                 Printout = wxPrintout:wxPrintout()

       print(This, Parent, Printout, Options :: [Option]) -> boolean()


                 This = wxPrinter()
                 Parent = wxWindow:wxWindow()
                 Printout = wxPrintout:wxPrintout()
                 Option = {prompt, boolean()}

              Starts the printing process.

              Provide a parent window, a user-defined wxPrintout object  which
              controls  the printing of a document, and whether the print dia-
              log should be invoked first.

              print/4 could return false if there was a  problem  initializing
              the  printer  device context (current printer not set, for exam-
              ple) or the user cancelled printing. Call getLastError/0 to  get
              detailed information about the kind of the error.

       printDialog(This, Parent) -> wxDC:wxDC()


                 This = wxPrinter()
                 Parent = wxWindow:wxWindow()

              Invokes the print dialog.

              If  successful  (the  user  did  not  press  Cancel and no error
              occurred), a suitable device context will be returned; otherwise
              NULL  is  returned; call getLastError/0 to get detailed informa-
              tion about the kind of the error.

              Remark: The application must delete this device context to avoid
              a memory leak.

       reportError(This, Parent, Printout, Message) -> ok


                 This = wxPrinter()
                 Parent = wxWindow:wxWindow()
                 Printout = wxPrintout:wxPrintout()
                 Message = unicode:chardata()

              Default error-reporting function.

       setup(This, Parent) -> boolean()


                 This = wxPrinter()
                 Parent = wxWindow:wxWindow()

              Invokes the print setup dialog.

              Deprecated:  The  setup  dialog is obsolete, though retained for
              backward compatibility.

       destroy(This :: wxPrinter()) -> ok

              Destroys the object.

wxWidgets team.                    wx 2.1.1                       wxPrinter(3)