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Updated: Wednesday, July 27, 2022

erl_prettypr (3erl)


erl_prettypr - Pretty printing of abstract Erlang syntax trees.


Please see following description for synopsis


erl_prettypr(3)            Erlang Module Definition            erl_prettypr(3)

       erl_prettypr - Pretty printing of abstract Erlang syntax trees.

       Pretty printing of abstract Erlang syntax trees.

       This  module is a front end to the pretty-printing library module pret-
       typr, for text formatting of abstract syntax trees defined by the  mod-
       ule erl_syntax.

         clause_t() = case_expr | fun_expr | if_expr | receive_expr | try_expr
         | {function, prettypr:document()} | spec:

         context()   =   #ctxt{prec=integer(),   sub_indent=non_neg_integer(),
         break_indent=non_neg_integer(),    clause=clause_t()   |   undefined,
         hook=hook(), paper=integer(), ribbon=integer(),  user=term(),  encod-
         ing=epp:source_encoding(), empty_lines=sets:set(integer())}:

         hook()  =  none  | (erl_syntax:syntaxTree(), term(), term()) -> pret-

         syntaxTree() = erl_syntax:syntaxTree():

           An abstract syntax tree. See the erl_syntax module for details.

       best(Node::erl_syntax:syntaxTree()) -> empty | prettypr:document()

              Equivalent to best(Tree, []).

       best(Node::erl_syntax:syntaxTree(), Options::[term()]) -> empty | pret-

              Creates  a  fixed "best" abstract layout for a syntax tree. This
              is similar to the layout/2 function, except that here, the final
              layout  has been selected with respect to the given options. The
              atom empty is returned if no such layout could be produced.  For
              information on the options, see the format/2 function.

              See also: best/1, format/2, layout/2, prettypr:best/3.

       format(Node::erl_syntax:syntaxTree()) -> string()

              Equivalent to format(Tree, []).

       format(Node::erl_syntax:syntaxTree(), Options::[term()]) -> string()

              Prettyprint-formats  an abstract Erlang syntax tree as text. For
              example, if you have a .beam file that has  been  compiled  with
              debug_info,  the  following should print the source code for the
              module (as it looks in the debug info representation):

                   {ok,{_,[{abstract_code,{_,AC}}]}} =

              Available options:

                {hook, none | hook()}:
                  Unless the value is none, the given function is  called  for
                  each  node whose list of annotations is not empty; see below
                  for details. The default value is none.

                {paper, integer()}:
                  Specifies the preferred maximum number of characters on  any
                  line, including indentation. The default value is 80.

                {ribbon, integer()}:
                  Specifies  the preferred maximum number of characters on any
                  line, not counting indentation. The default value is 65.

                {user, term()}:
                  User-specific data for use in hook  functions.  The  default
                  value is undefined.

                {encoding, epp:source_encoding()}:
                  Specifies the encoding of the generated file.

              A hook function (cf. the hook() type) is passed the current syn-
              tax tree node, the context, and a continuation. The context  can
              be examined and manipulated by functions such as get_ctxt_user/1
              and set_ctxt_user/2. The hook  must  return  a  "document"  data
              structure  (see layout/2 and best/2); this may be constructed in
              part or in whole by  applying  the  continuation  function.  For
              example, the following is a trivial hook:

                    fun (Node, Ctxt, Cont) -> Cont(Node, Ctxt) end

              which  yields  the same result as if no hook was given. The fol-
              lowing, however:

                    fun (Node, Ctxt, Cont) ->
                        Doc = Cont(Node, Ctxt),

              will place the text of any annotated  node  (regardless  of  the
              annotation  data)  between  HTML  "boldface begin" and "boldface
              end" tags.

              See also: erl_syntax, best/2,  format/1,  get_ctxt_user/1,  lay-
              out/2, set_ctxt_user/2.

       get_ctxt_hook(Ctxt::context()) -> hook()

              Returns the hook function field of the prettyprinter context.

              See also: set_ctxt_hook/2.

       get_ctxt_linewidth(Ctxt::context()) -> integer()

              Returns the line widh field of the prettyprinter context.

              See also: set_ctxt_linewidth/2.

       get_ctxt_paperwidth(Ctxt::context()) -> integer()

              Returns the paper widh field of the prettyprinter context.

              See also: set_ctxt_paperwidth/2.

       get_ctxt_precedence(Ctxt::context()) -> integer()

              Returns  the operator precedence field of the prettyprinter con-

              See also: set_ctxt_precedence/2.

       get_ctxt_user(Ctxt::context()) -> term()

              Returns the user data field of the prettyprinter context.

              See also: set_ctxt_user/2.

       layout(Node::erl_syntax:syntaxTree()) -> prettypr:document()

              Equivalent to layout(Tree, []).

       layout(Node::erl_syntax:syntaxTree(),   Options::[term()])   ->   pret-

              Creates  an  abstract  document  layout  for  a syntax tree. The
              result represents a set of possible layouts  (cf.  module  pret-
              typr).  For information on the options, see format/2; note, how-
              ever, that the paper and ribbon  options  are  ignored  by  this

              This  function  provides  a  low-level  interface  to the pretty
              printer, returning a flexible representation  of  possible  lay-
              outs,  independent  of the paper width eventually to be used for
              formatting. This can be included as  part  of  another  document
              and/or  further processed directly by the functions in the pret-
              typr module, or used  in  a  hook  function  (see  format/2  for

              See also: prettypr, format/2, layout/1.

       set_ctxt_hook(Ctxt::context(), Hook::hook()) -> context()

              Updates the hook function field of the prettyprinter context.

              See also: get_ctxt_hook/1.

       set_ctxt_linewidth(Ctxt::context(), W::integer()) -> context()

              Updates the line widh field of the prettyprinter context.

              Note:  changing this value (and passing the resulting context to
              a continuation function) does not affect the normal  formatting,
              but may affect user-defined behaviour in hook functions.

              See also: get_ctxt_linewidth/1.

       set_ctxt_paperwidth(Ctxt::context(), W::integer()) -> context()

              Updates the paper widh field of the prettyprinter context.

              Note:  changing this value (and passing the resulting context to
              a continuation function) does not affect the normal  formatting,
              but may affect user-defined behaviour in hook functions.

              See also: get_ctxt_paperwidth/1.

       set_ctxt_precedence(Ctxt::context(), Prec::integer()) -> context()

              Updates  the operator precedence field of the prettyprinter con-
              text. See the erl_parse(3) module for operator precedences.

              See also: erl_parse(3), get_ctxt_precedence/1.

       set_ctxt_user(Ctxt::context(), X::term()) -> context()

              Updates the user data field of the prettyprinter context.

              See also: get_ctxt_user/1.

       Richard Carlsson <carlsson.richard@gmail.com>

                               syntax_tools 2.6                erl_prettypr(3)