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Updated: Wednesday, July 27, 2022

win32reg (3erl)


win32reg - Provides access to the registry on Windows.


Please see following description for synopsis


win32reg(3)                Erlang Module Definition                win32reg(3)

       win32reg - Provides access to the registry on Windows.

       This  module provides read and write access to the registry on Windows.
       It is essentially a port driver wrapped around the Win32 API calls  for
       accessing the registry.

       The  registry  is a hierarchical database, used to store various system
       and software information in Windows. It contains installation data, and
       is  updated  by  installers  and  system programs. The Erlang installer
       updates the registry by adding data that Erlang needs.

       The registry contains keys and values. Keys are like the directories in
       a  file system, they form a hierarchy. Values are like files, they have
       a name and a value, and also a type.

       Paths to keys are left to right, with subkeys to the  right  and  back-
       slash  between  keys.  (Remember  that  backslashes  must be doubled in
       Erlang strings.) Case is preserved but not significant.

       For example, "\\hkey_local_machine\\software\\Ericsson\\Erlang\\5.0" is
       the key for the installation data for the latest Erlang release.

       There  are  six  entry  points in the Windows registry, top-level keys.
       They can be abbreviated in this module as follows:

       Abbreviation     Registry key
       ============     ============
       hkcr             HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT
       current_user     HKEY_CURRENT_USER
       hkcu             HKEY_CURRENT_USER
       local_machine    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
       hklm             HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
       users            HKEY_USERS
       hku              HKEY_USERS
       current_config   HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG
       hkcc             HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG
       dyn_data         HKEY_DYN_DATA
       hkdd             HKEY_DYN_DATA

       The   key   above   can   be   written   as   "\\hklm\\software\\erics-

       This  module  uses a current key. It works much like the current direc-
       tory. From the current key, values  can  be  fetched,  subkeys  can  be
       listed, and so on.

       Under a key, any number of named values can be stored. They have names,
       types, and data.

       win32reg supports storing of the following types:

         * REG_DWORD, which is an integer

         * REG_SZ, which is a string

         * REG_BINARY, which is a binary

       Other types can be read, and are returned as binaries.

       There is also a "default" value, which has the empty string as name. It
       is read and written with the atom default instead of the name.

       Some  registry values are stored as strings with references to environ-
       ment variables, for  example,  %SystemRoot%Windows.  SystemRoot  is  an
       environment  variable,  and  is to be replaced with its value. Function
       expand/1 is provided so that environment variables surrounded by %  can
       be expanded to their values.

       For  more  information  on  the Windows registry, see consult the Win32
       Programmer's Reference.


              As returned by open/1.

       name() = string() | default

       value() = string() | integer() | binary()

       change_key(RegHandle, Key) -> ReturnValue


                 RegHandle = reg_handle()
                 Key = string()
                 ReturnValue = ok | {error, ErrorId :: atom()}

              Changes the current key to another key. Works like cd.  The  key
              can  be  specified  as  a  relative path or as an absolute path,
              starting with \.

       change_key_create(RegHandle, Key) -> ReturnValue


                 RegHandle = reg_handle()
                 Key = string()
                 ReturnValue = ok | {error, ErrorId :: atom()}

              Creates a key, or just changes to it, if it  is  already  there.
              Works  like  a  combination of mkdir and cd. Calls the Win32 API
              function RegCreateKeyEx().

              The registry must have been opened in write mode.

       close(RegHandle) -> ok


                 RegHandle = reg_handle()

              Closes the registry. After that, the RegHandle cannot be used.

       current_key(RegHandle) -> ReturnValue


                 RegHandle = reg_handle()
                 ReturnValue = {ok, string()}

              Returns the path to the current key. This is the  equivalent  of

              Notice  that the current key is stored in the driver, and can be
              invalid (for example, if the key has been removed).

       delete_key(RegHandle) -> ReturnValue


                 RegHandle = reg_handle()
                 ReturnValue = ok | {error, ErrorId :: atom()}

              Deletes the current key, if it is valid.  Calls  the  Win32  API
              function  RegDeleteKey().  Notice that this call does not change
              the current key (unlike change_key_create/2).  This  means  that
              after the call, the current key is invalid.

       delete_value(RegHandle, Name) -> ReturnValue


                 RegHandle = reg_handle()
                 Name = name()
                 ReturnValue = ok | {error, ErrorId :: atom()}

              Deletes  a  named  value on the current key. The atom default is
              used for the default value.

              The registry must have been opened in write mode.

       expand(String) -> ExpandedString


                 String = ExpandedString = string()

              Expands a string containing environment variables  between  per-
              cent characters. Anything between two % is taken for an environ-
              ment variable, and is replaced by the value. Two  consecutive  %
              are replaced by one %.

              A  variable  name  that  is not in the environment results in an

       format_error(ErrorId) -> ErrorString


                 ErrorId = atom()
                 ErrorString = string()

              Converts  a  POSIX  error  code  to   a   string   (by   calling

       open(OpenModeList) -> ReturnValue


                 OpenModeList = [OpenMode]
                 OpenMode = read | write
                 ReturnValue = {ok, RegHandle} | {error, ErrorId :: enotsup}
                 RegHandle = reg_handle()

              Opens  the  registry  for reading or writing. The current key is
              the root (HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT). Flag read in the mode list can  be

              Use change_key/2 with an absolute path after open.

       set_value(RegHandle, Name, Value) -> ReturnValue


                 RegHandle = reg_handle()
                 Name = name()
                 Value = value()
                 ReturnValue = ok | {error, ErrorId :: atom()}

              Sets  the named (or default) value to value. Calls the Win32 API
              function RegSetValueEx(). The value can be of three  types,  and
              the corresponding registry type is used. The supported types are
              the following:

                * REG_DWORD for integers

                * REG_SZ for strings

                * REG_BINARY for binaries

              Other types cannot be added or changed.

              The registry must have been opened in write mode.

       sub_keys(RegHandle) -> ReturnValue


                 RegHandle = reg_handle()
                 ReturnValue = {ok, [SubKey]} | {error, ErrorId :: atom()}
                 SubKey = string()

              Returns a list of subkeys to the current key.  Calls  the  Win32
              API function EnumRegKeysEx().

              Avoid calling this on the root keys, as it can be slow.

       value(RegHandle, Name) -> ReturnValue


                 RegHandle = reg_handle()
                 Name = name()
                 ReturnValue =
                     {ok, Value :: value()} | {error, ErrorId :: atom()}

              Retrieves  the named value (or default) on the current key. Reg-
              istry values of  type  REG_SZ  are  returned  as  strings.  Type
              REG_DWORD  values  are returned as integers. All other types are
              returned as binaries.

       values(RegHandle) -> ReturnValue


                 RegHandle = reg_handle()
                 ReturnValue = {ok, [ValuePair]} | {error, ErrorId :: atom()}
                 ValuePair = {Name :: name(), Value :: value()}

              Retrieves a list of all values on the current  key.  The  values
              have  types  corresponding  to  the registry types, see value/2.
              Calls the Win32 API function EnumRegValuesEx().

       erl_posix_msg, The Windows 95 Registry (book from O'Reilly), Win32 Pro-
       grammer's Reference (from Microsoft)

Ericsson AB                       stdlib 3.17                      win32reg(3)