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Updated: Wednesday, July 27, 2022

wxAuiNotebook (3erl)


wxAuiNotebook - Functions for wxAuiNotebook class


Please see following description for synopsis


wxAuiNotebook(3)           Erlang Module Definition           wxAuiNotebook(3)

       wxAuiNotebook - Functions for wxAuiNotebook class

       wxAuiNotebook  is part of the wxAUI class framework, which represents a
       notebook control, managing multiple windows with associated tabs.

       See also overview_aui.

       wxAuiNotebook is a notebook control which implements many features com-
       mon  in  applications  with dockable panes. Specifically, wxAuiNotebook
       implements functionality which allows the user to rearrange  tab  order
       via  drag-and-drop,  split  the tab window into many different splitter
       configurations, and toggle through different themes  to  customize  the
       control's look and feel.

       The  default  theme that is used is wxAuiDefaultTabArt (not implemented
       in wx), which provides a modern, glossy look and feel. The theme can be
       changed by calling setArtProvider/2.


       This class supports the following styles:

       This  class is derived (and can use functions) from: wxControl wxWindow

       wxWidgets docs: wxAuiNotebook

       Event types emitted from  this  class:  command_auinotebook_page_close,
       command_auinotebook_page_closed, command_auinotebook_page_changed, com-
       mand_auinotebook_page_changing,    command_auinotebook_button,     com-
       mand_auinotebook_begin_drag,     command_auinotebook_end_drag,     com-
       mand_auinotebook_drag_motion,    command_auinotebook_allow_dnd,    com-
       mand_auinotebook_drag_done,  command_auinotebook_tab_middle_down,  com-
       mand_auinotebook_tab_middle_up,     command_auinotebook_tab_right_down,
       command_auinotebook_tab_right_up, command_auinotebook_bg_dclick

       wxAuiNotebook() = wx:wx_object()

       new() -> wxAuiNotebook()

              Default ctor.

       new(Parent) -> wxAuiNotebook()


                 Parent = wxWindow:wxWindow()

       new(Parent, Options :: [Option]) -> wxAuiNotebook()


                 Parent = wxWindow:wxWindow()
                 Option =
                     {id, integer()} |
                     {pos, {X :: integer(), Y :: integer()}} |
                     {size, {W :: integer(), H :: integer()}} |
                     {style, integer()}


              Creates a wxAuiNotebok control.

       addPage(This, Page, Caption) -> boolean()


                 This = wxAuiNotebook()
                 Page = wxWindow:wxWindow()
                 Caption = unicode:chardata()

       addPage(This, Page, Caption, Options :: [Option]) -> boolean()


                 This = wxAuiNotebook()
                 Page = wxWindow:wxWindow()
                 Caption = unicode:chardata()
                 Option = {select, boolean()} | {bitmap, wxBitmap:wxBitmap()}

              Adds a page.

              If  the  select  parameter is true, calling this will generate a
              page change event.

       addPage(This, Page, Text, Select, ImageId) -> boolean()


                 This = wxAuiNotebook()
                 Page = wxWindow:wxWindow()
                 Text = unicode:chardata()
                 Select = boolean()
                 ImageId = integer()

              Adds a new page.

              The page must have the book control itself  as  the  parent  and
              must not have been added to this control previously.

              The call to this function may generate the page changing events.

              Return: true if successful, false otherwise.

              Remark:  Do  not delete the page, it will be deleted by the book

              See: insertPage/6

              Since: 2.9.3

       create(This, Parent) -> boolean()


                 This = wxAuiNotebook()
                 Parent = wxWindow:wxWindow()

       create(This, Parent, Winid) -> boolean()

       create(This, Parent, Winid :: [Option]) -> boolean()


                 This = wxAuiNotebook()
                 Parent = wxWindow:wxWindow()
                 Option =
                     {id, integer()} |
                     {pos, {X :: integer(), Y :: integer()}} |
                     {size, {W :: integer(), H :: integer()}} |
                     {style, integer()}

              Creates the notebook window.

       create(This, Parent, Winid, Options :: [Option]) -> boolean()


                 This = wxAuiNotebook()
                 Parent = wxWindow:wxWindow()
                 Winid = integer()
                 Option =
                     {pos, {X :: integer(), Y :: integer()}} |
                     {size, {W :: integer(), H :: integer()}} |
                     {style, integer()}

              Constructs the book control with the given parameters.

       deletePage(This, Page) -> boolean()


                 This = wxAuiNotebook()
                 Page = integer()

              Deletes a page at the given index.

              Calling this method will generate a page change event.

       getArtProvider(This) -> wxAuiTabArt:wxAuiTabArt()


                 This = wxAuiNotebook()

              Returns the associated art provider.

       getPage(This, Page_idx) -> wxWindow:wxWindow()


                 This = wxAuiNotebook()
                 Page_idx = integer()

              Returns the page specified by the given index.

       getPageBitmap(This, Page) -> wxBitmap:wxBitmap()


                 This = wxAuiNotebook()
                 Page = integer()

              Returns the tab bitmap for the page.

       getPageCount(This) -> integer()


                 This = wxAuiNotebook()

              Returns the number of pages in the notebook.

       getPageIndex(This, Page_wnd) -> integer()


                 This = wxAuiNotebook()
                 Page_wnd = wxWindow:wxWindow()

              Returns the page index for the specified window.

              If the window is not  found  in  the  notebook,  wxNOT_FOUND  is

       getPageText(This, Page) -> unicode:charlist()


                 This = wxAuiNotebook()
                 Page = integer()

              Returns the tab label for the page.

       getSelection(This) -> integer()


                 This = wxAuiNotebook()

              Returns the currently selected page.

       insertPage(This, Page_idx, Page, Caption) -> boolean()


                 This = wxAuiNotebook()
                 Page_idx = integer()
                 Page = wxWindow:wxWindow()
                 Caption = unicode:chardata()

       insertPage(This, Page_idx, Page, Caption, Options :: [Option]) ->


                 This = wxAuiNotebook()
                 Page_idx = integer()
                 Page = wxWindow:wxWindow()
                 Caption = unicode:chardata()
                 Option = {select, boolean()} | {bitmap, wxBitmap:wxBitmap()}

              insertPage/6  is  similar  to AddPage, but allows the ability to
              specify the insert location.

              If the select parameter is true, calling this  will  generate  a
              page change event.

       insertPage(This, Index, Page, Text, Select, ImageId) -> boolean()


                 This = wxAuiNotebook()
                 Index = integer()
                 Page = wxWindow:wxWindow()
                 Text = unicode:chardata()
                 Select = boolean()
                 ImageId = integer()

              Inserts a new page at the specified position.

              Return: true if successful, false otherwise.

              Remark:  Do  not delete the page, it will be deleted by the book

              See: addPage/5

              Since: 2.9.3

       removePage(This, Page) -> boolean()


                 This = wxAuiNotebook()
                 Page = integer()

              Removes a page, without deleting the window pointer.

       setArtProvider(This, Art) -> ok


                 This = wxAuiNotebook()
                 Art = wxAuiTabArt:wxAuiTabArt()

              Sets the art provider to be used by the notebook.

       setFont(This, Font) -> boolean()


                 This = wxAuiNotebook()
                 Font = wxFont:wxFont()

              Sets the font for drawing the tab labels, using a  bold  version
              of the font for selected tab labels.

       setPageBitmap(This, Page, Bitmap) -> boolean()


                 This = wxAuiNotebook()
                 Page = integer()
                 Bitmap = wxBitmap:wxBitmap()

              Sets the bitmap for the page.

              To remove a bitmap from the tab caption, pass wxNullBitmap.

       setPageText(This, Page, Text) -> boolean()


                 This = wxAuiNotebook()
                 Page = integer()
                 Text = unicode:chardata()

              Sets the tab label for the page.

       setSelection(This, New_page) -> integer()


                 This = wxAuiNotebook()
                 New_page = integer()

              Sets the page selection.

              Calling this method will generate a page change event.

       setTabCtrlHeight(This, Height) -> ok


                 This = wxAuiNotebook()
                 Height = integer()

              Sets the tab height.

              By  default,  the  tab control height is calculated by measuring
              the text height and bitmap sizes on the  tab  captions.  Calling
              this  method will override that calculation and set the tab con-
              trol to the specified height parameter. A call  to  this  method
              will override any call to setUniformBitmapSize/2.

              Specifying  -1  as  the  height  will  return the control to its
              default auto-sizing behaviour.

       setUniformBitmapSize(This, Size) -> ok


                 This = wxAuiNotebook()
                 Size = {W :: integer(), H :: integer()}

              Ensure that all tabs have the same height, even if some of  them
              don't have bitmaps.

              Passing  ?wxDefaultSize  as size undoes the effect of a previous
              call to this function and instructs the control to  use  dynamic
              tab height.

       destroy(This :: wxAuiNotebook()) -> ok

              Destroys the object.

wxWidgets team.                    wx 2.1.1                   wxAuiNotebook(3)