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man pages section 3: Extended Library Functions, Volume 1

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Updated: Wednesday, July 27, 2022

snmpm_network_interface_filter (3erl)


snmpm_network_interface_filter - Behaviour module for the SNMP manager network-interface filter.


Please see following description for synopsis


Erlang Module Definition                     snmpm_network_interface_filter(3)

       snmpm_network_interface_filter  - Behaviour module for the SNMP manager
       network-interface filter.

       This module defines the behaviour of the manager network interface fil-
       ter.  A snmpm_network_interface_filter compliant module must export the
       following functions:

         * accept_recv/2

         * accept_send/2

         * accept_recv_pdu/3

         * accept_send_pdu/2

       The semantics of them and their exact signatures are explained below.

       The purpose of the network interface filter is to allow  for  filtering
       of  messages  (accept  or reject) receive and send. This is done on two

         * The first level is at the UDP entry / exit point, i.e.  immediately
           after  the receipt of the message, before any message processing is
           done (accept_recv) and  immediately  before  sending  the  message,
           after all message processing is done (accept_send).

         * The second level is at the MPD entry / exit point, i.e. immediately
           after the basic message processing (accept_recv_pdu) /  immediately
           before the basic message processing (accept_send_pdu).

       Note  that  the  network interface filter is something which is used by
       the  network  interface  implementation  provided  by  the  application
       (snmpm_net_if and snmpm_net_if_mt). The default filter accepts all mes-

       A network interface filter can e.g. be used during testing or for  load

       Legacy  network  interface  filter  modules  used arguments on the form
       (IpAddr, PortNumber,...) instead of (Domain, Addr,  ...),  and  if  the
       SNMP manager is run without changing the configuration to use transport
       domains the network interface filter will still get the  old  arguments
       and work as before.

       port() = integer() > 0
       pdu_type() = 'get-request' | 'get-next-request' | 'get-response' |
                    'set-request' | trap | 'get-bulk-request' | 'inform-request' |
                    report | trappdu

       See also the  data types in snmpa_conf.

       accept_recv(Domain, Addr) -> boolean()


                 Domain = transportDomain()
                 Addr = transportAddressWithPort()

              Called  at the reception of a message (before any processing has
              been done).

              For the message to be rejected, the function must return false.

       accept_send(Domain, Addr) -> boolean()


                 Domain = transportDomain()
                 Addr = transportAddressWithPort()

              Called before the sending of a message (after all processing has
              been done).

              For the message to be rejected, the function must return false.

       accept_recv_pdu(Domain, Addr, PduType) -> boolean()


                 Domain = transportDomain()
                 Addr = transportAddressWithPort()
                 PduType = pdu_type()

              Called  after  the basic message processing (MPD) has been done,
              but before the pdu is handed over to the server for primary pro-

              For the pdu to be rejected, the function must return false.

       accept_send_pdu(Domain, Addr, PduType) -> boolean()


                 Domain = transportDomain()
                 Addr = transportAddressWithPort()
                 PduType = pdu_type() > 0

              Called before the basic message processing (MPD) is done, when a
              pdu has been received from the master-agent.

              For the message to be rejected, the function must return false.

Ericsson AB                        snmp 5.11