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man pages section 3: Extended Library Functions, Volume 1

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Updated: Wednesday, July 27, 2022

wxDatePickerCtrl (3erl)


wxDatePickerCtrl - Functions for wxDatePickerCtrl class


Please see following description for synopsis


wxDatePickerCtrl(3)        Erlang Module Definition        wxDatePickerCtrl(3)

       wxDatePickerCtrl - Functions for wxDatePickerCtrl class

       This  control  allows the user to select a date. Unlike wxCalendarCtrl,
       which is a relatively big control, wxDatePickerCtrl is implemented as a
       small  window  showing  the currently selected date. The control can be
       edited using the keyboard, and can also display a popup window for more
       user-friendly  date  selection,  depending  on  the styles used and the

       It is only available if wxUSE_DATEPICKCTRL is set to 1.


       This class supports the following styles:

       See: wxTimePickerCtrl (not implemented in  wx),  wxCalendarCtrl,  wxDa-

       This class is derived (and can use functions) from: wxPickerBase wxCon-
       trol wxWindow wxEvtHandler

       wxWidgets docs: wxDatePickerCtrl

       Event types emitted from this class: date_changed

       wxDatePickerCtrl() = wx:wx_object()

       new() -> wxDatePickerCtrl()

              Default constructor.

       new(Parent, Id) -> wxDatePickerCtrl()


                 Parent = wxWindow:wxWindow()
                 Id = integer()

       new(Parent, Id, Options :: [Option]) -> wxDatePickerCtrl()


                 Parent = wxWindow:wxWindow()
                 Id = integer()
                 Option =
                     {date, wx:wx_datetime()} |
                     {pos, {X :: integer(), Y :: integer()}} |
                     {size, {W :: integer(), H :: integer()}} |
                     {style, integer()} |
                     {validator, wx:wx_object()}

              Initializes the object and calls Create()  (not  implemented  in
              wx) with all the parameters.

       getRange(This, Dt1, Dt2) -> boolean()


                 This = wxDatePickerCtrl()
                 Dt1 = Dt2 = wx:wx_datetime()

              If  the  control had been previously limited to a range of dates
              using setRange/3, returns the lower and  upper  bounds  of  this

              If  no  range  is  set  (or  only one of the bounds is set), dt1
              and/or dt2 are set to be invalid.

              Notice that when using a native MSW implementation of this  con-
              trol  the  lower  range is always set, even if setRange/3 hadn't
              been called explicitly, as  the  native  control  only  supports
              dates later than year 1601.

              Return:  false  if no range limits are currently set, true if at
              least one bound is set.

       getValue(This) -> wx:wx_datetime()


                 This = wxDatePickerCtrl()

              Returns the currently entered date.

              For a control with wxDP_ALLOWNONE style the returned  value  may
              be invalid if no date is entered, otherwise it is always valid.

       setRange(This, Dt1, Dt2) -> ok


                 This = wxDatePickerCtrl()
                 Dt1 = Dt2 = wx:wx_datetime()

              Sets the valid range for the date selection.

              If  dt1  is  valid,  it  becomes  the  earliest date (inclusive)
              accepted by the control. If dt2 is valid, it becomes the  latest
              possible date.

              Notice that if the current value is not inside the new range, it
              will be adjusted to lie inside it, i.e. calling this method  can
              change the control value, however no events are generated by it.

              Remark:  If  the  current value of the control is outside of the
              newly set range bounds, the behaviour is undefined.

       setValue(This, Dt) -> ok


                 This = wxDatePickerCtrl()
                 Dt = wx:wx_datetime()

              Changes the current value of the control.

              The date should be valid unless the  control  was  created  with
              wxDP_ALLOWNONE  style  and  included  in  the currently selected
              range, if any.

              Calling this method does not result in a date change event.

       destroy(This :: wxDatePickerCtrl()) -> ok

              Destroys the object.

wxWidgets team.                    wx 2.1.1                wxDatePickerCtrl(3)