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man pages section 3: Extended Library Functions, Volume 1

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Updated: Wednesday, July 27, 2022

wxGraphicsPath (3erl)


wxGraphicsPath - Functions for wxGraphicsPath class


Please see following description for synopsis


wxGraphicsPath(3)          Erlang Module Definition          wxGraphicsPath(3)

       wxGraphicsPath - Functions for wxGraphicsPath class

       A  wxGraphicsPath  is  a native representation of a geometric path. The
       contents are specific and private to the respective renderer. Instances
       are  reference counted and can therefore be assigned as usual. The only
       way to get a valid instance is by using  wxGraphicsContext:createPath/1
       or wxGraphicsRenderer:createPath/1.

       This class is derived (and can use functions) from: wxGraphicsObject

       wxWidgets docs: wxGraphicsPath

       wxGraphicsPath() = wx:wx_object()

       moveToPoint(This, P) -> ok


                 This = wxGraphicsPath()
                 P = {X :: float(), Y :: float()}

              Begins a new subpath at p.

       moveToPoint(This, X, Y) -> ok


                 This = wxGraphicsPath()
                 X = Y = number()

              Begins a new subpath at (x,y).

       addArc(This, C, R, StartAngle, EndAngle, Clockwise) -> ok


                 This = wxGraphicsPath()
                 C = {X :: float(), Y :: float()}
                 R = StartAngle = EndAngle = number()
                 Clockwise = boolean()

       addArc(This, X, Y, R, StartAngle, EndAngle, Clockwise) -> ok


                 This = wxGraphicsPath()
                 X = Y = R = StartAngle = EndAngle = number()
                 Clockwise = boolean()

              Adds an arc of a circle.

              The circle is defined by the coordinates of its centre (x, y) or
              c and its radius r. The arc goes from the starting  angle  star-
              tAngle to endAngle either clockwise or counter-clockwise depend-
              ing on the value of clockwise argument.

              The angles are measured in radians but, contrary  to  the  usual
              mathematical  convention, are always clockwise from the horizon-
              tal axis.

              If for clockwise arc endAngle is less than startAngle it will be
              progressively  increased  by 2*pi until it is greater than star-
              tAngle. If for counter-clockwise arc endAngle  is  greater  than
              startAngle  it  will be progressively decreased by 2*pi until it
              is less than startAngle.

              If there is a current point set, an initial line segment will be
              added  to the path to connect the current point to the beginning
              of the arc.

       addArcToPoint(This, X1, Y1, X2, Y2, R) -> ok


                 This = wxGraphicsPath()
                 X1 = Y1 = X2 = Y2 = R = number()

              Adds an arc (of a circle with radius r) that is tangent  to  the
              line  connecting current point and (x1, y1) and to the line con-
              necting (x1, y1) and (x2, y2).

              If the current point and the starting point of the arc are  dif-
              ferent,   a  straight  line  connecting  these  points  is  also
              appended. If there is  no  current  point  before  the  call  to
              addArcToPoint/6  this  function  will behave as if preceded by a
              call to MoveToPoint(0, 0). After this  call  the  current  point
              will be at the ending point of the arc.

       addCircle(This, X, Y, R) -> ok


                 This = wxGraphicsPath()
                 X = Y = R = number()

              Appends a circle around (x,y) with radius r as a new closed sub-

              After this call the current point will be at (x+r, y).

       addCurveToPoint(This, C1, C2, E) -> ok


                 This = wxGraphicsPath()
                 C1 = C2 = E = {X :: float(), Y :: float()}

              Adds a cubic bezier curve from the current point, using two con-
              trol points and an end point.

              If  there  is  no  current  point before the call to addCurveTo-
              Point/7 this function will behave as if preceded by  a  call  to

       addCurveToPoint(This, Cx1, Cy1, Cx2, Cy2, X, Y) -> ok


                 This = wxGraphicsPath()
                 Cx1 = Cy1 = Cx2 = Cy2 = X = Y = number()

              Adds a cubic bezier curve from the current point, using two con-
              trol points and an end point.

              If there is no current point  before  the  call  to  addCurveTo-
              Point/7  this  function  will behave as if preceded by a call to
              MoveToPoint(cx1, cy1).

       addEllipse(This, X, Y, W, H) -> ok


                 This = wxGraphicsPath()
                 X = Y = W = H = number()

              Appends an ellipse fitting into the passed in rectangle as a new
              closed subpath.

              After this call the current point will be at (x+w, y+h/2).

       addLineToPoint(This, P) -> ok


                 This = wxGraphicsPath()
                 P = {X :: float(), Y :: float()}

              Adds a straight line from the current point to p.

              If  current  point  is not yet set before the call to addLineTo-
              Point/3 this function will behave as moveToPoint/3.

       addLineToPoint(This, X, Y) -> ok


                 This = wxGraphicsPath()
                 X = Y = number()

              Adds a straight line from the current point to (x,y).

              If current point is not yet set before the  call  to  addLineTo-
              Point/3 this function will behave as moveToPoint/3.

       addPath(This, Path) -> ok


                 This = Path = wxGraphicsPath()

              Adds another path onto the current path.

              After  this  call  the current point will be at the added path's
              current point. For Direct2D the path  being  appended  shouldn't
              contain  a  started  non-empty  subpath  when  this  function is

       addQuadCurveToPoint(This, Cx, Cy, X, Y) -> ok


                 This = wxGraphicsPath()
                 Cx = Cy = X = Y = number()

              Adds a quadratic bezier curve from the current  point,  using  a
              control point and an end point.

              If  there is no current point before the call to addQuadCurveTo-
              Point/5 this function will behave as if preceded by  a  call  to
              MoveToPoint(cx, cy).

       addRectangle(This, X, Y, W, H) -> ok


                 This = wxGraphicsPath()
                 X = Y = W = H = number()

              Appends a rectangle as a new closed subpath.

              After this call the current point will be at (x, y).

       addRoundedRectangle(This, X, Y, W, H, Radius) -> ok


                 This = wxGraphicsPath()
                 X = Y = W = H = Radius = number()

              Appends a rounded rectangle as a new closed subpath.

              If  radius equals 0 this function will behave as addRectangle/5,
              otherwise after this call the current point  will  be  at  (x+w,

       closeSubpath(This) -> ok


                 This = wxGraphicsPath()

              Closes the current sub-path.

              After this call the current point will be at the joined endpoint
              of the sub-path.

       contains(This, C) -> boolean()


                 This = wxGraphicsPath()
                 C = {X :: float(), Y :: float()}

       contains(This, X, Y) -> boolean()

       contains(This, C, Y :: [Option]) -> boolean()


                 This = wxGraphicsPath()
                 C = {X :: float(), Y :: float()}
                 Option = {fillStyle, wx:wx_enum()}

              Return: true if the point is within the path.

       contains(This, X, Y, Options :: [Option]) -> boolean()


                 This = wxGraphicsPath()
                 X = Y = number()
                 Option = {fillStyle, wx:wx_enum()}

              Return: true if the point is within the path.

       getBox(This) ->
                 {X :: float(), Y :: float(), W :: float(), H :: float()}


                 This = wxGraphicsPath()

              Gets the bounding box enclosing all points  (possibly  including
              control points).

       getCurrentPoint(This) -> {X :: float(), Y :: float()}


                 This = wxGraphicsPath()

              Gets the last point of the current path, (0,0) if not yet set.

       transform(This, Matrix) -> ok


                 This = wxGraphicsPath()
                 Matrix = wxGraphicsMatrix:wxGraphicsMatrix()

              Transforms each point of this path by the matrix.

              For  Direct2D  the current path shouldn't contain a started non-
              empty subpath when this function is called.

wxWidgets team.                    wx 2.1.1                  wxGraphicsPath(3)