Follow these instructions to create an audience.

  1. Click the menu icon, then click Marketing.

  2. On the Marketing page, click Audiences.

  3. Click New Audience.

  4. In the Audience Display Name field, enter a unique short descriptive name of no more than 50 characters that describes the audience. This name displays in the administration interfaces.

    For example, if you are targeting female students that are not in Texas, you can enter Student Females Outside Texas.

    After you finish typing and move to another field, the Audience ID field automatically fills with an ID generated from the Audience Display Name. Commerce Cloud uses this ID internally. This ID is regenerated whenever you update the Audience Display Name field.

  5. (Optional) Edit the automatically generated ID in the Audience ID field. You can edit an ID until you click Create.

    An ID can only contain alphanumeric characters. It cannot contain spaces, special characters, or non-Latin characters.

  6. (Optional) In the Audience Description field, enter a description that helps you to identify the audience in the administration interface.

    The description should help you distinguish this audience from others, especially if you have exclusions. For example, “Female students and educators with edu addresses. This audience excludes shipping addresses in Texas.

  7. (Optional) If you do not want to enable the audience right away, deselect Audience Enabled.

    For example, you might want to disable an audience if you are creating a seasonal audience, and that season has not started yet.

  8. (Optional) If you want to evaluate membership in this audience and record it for reporting purposes when an order is placed, select Capture reporting data for this audience.

    If you have defined a large number of audiences, evaluating audience membership for all of them may adversely affect performance. You can use this check box to restrict the set of audiences for which membership is evaluated for reporting purposes.

  9. In the Rule Matching field, select:

    Match Any Rule – A shopper must match at least one rule in order to be a member of this audience.

    Match All Rules - A shopper must match all rules in order to be a member of this audience.

  10. Click New Rule.

  11. Select a category. See Attribute categories for more information.

  12. Select the attribute, operator, and value you want to use. See these sections for descriptions of the available attributes:

    If you selected Audience as a category in the previous step, then the Attribute field automatically fills with the Membership attribute and you only have to set an operator and values, that is, one or more audiences.

    The selections in the Operator and Values drop-down lists change depending on the attribute that you select. If the attribute has a limited set of values, the Value list includes all of your possible choices. If the attribute has an unlimited number of values, you can type a unique value directly into the list.

  13. Click Done.

  14. (Optional) If you have more rules to add, click New Rule.

  15. When you have finished adding rules, click Create.

    The audience is immediately available for use in personalization. The audience is not available in a production environment until it has been published.

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