Alert Zone

The Alert Zone is a grid that contains messages highlighting a variety of situations. Clicking on the hyperlink transfers you to an appropriate page. The following table lists the various alerts that may appear and the page to which you will be transferred if click on the hyperlink. The table lists the alerts in alphabetical order, but it includes a column indicating the order in which the alert will appear.

Note: You can create additional alert conditions. The following table contains those alerts supported in the base package. It is possible to highlight additional conditions by plugging-in the appropriate algorithm(s) on the installation record. Refer to Count Customer Contacts of a Given Type and Count Promise To Pay with a Given Status for examples of such algorithms.
Note: Account alerts are implementation-specific. On Account - Alerts, a user can define account-specific alerts that should be displayed whenever the account is selected. The Alert Types control table contains the possible alert messages.
The following table describes the different alert messages that appear in the Alerts zone:
Alert Text Order Description Drill Down Transfers You To
Account alerts 6 Appears for each user-defined alert associated with an account. Account - Alert
Active Write Off Process 10 Appears when an account has an active write off process. Refer to How Are Write off Processes Cancelled for information describing when a write-off process is deactivated. Write Off Process
Auto-Pay Active: auto pay method description 25 Appears when the account has an automatic payment option effective on the current date. The auto pay method description (i.e. Direct Debit or Payment Advice) appears only if payment advice functionality is enabled. Refer to Payment Advices for more information on payment advice functionality. Account - Auto Pay
Comment Exists On Account 5 Appears when a freeform comment has been entered for the account (on Account - Main) Account
Held Order Exists 32 Appears when the person has a held order. Order
Installation dynamic alerts 42 You can install plug-in algorithms on the installation record that will create alerts (if given situations exist). Refer to Count Customer Contacts of a Given Type and Count Promise To Pay with a Given Status for examples of such algorithms Varies by plug-in
Last Contact: days old - user name who added the contact 3 Appears when the person has a customer contact. The "days old" presents how old the contact is (based on the contact's date). The word Today is shown if the last contact was on the current date. The word Yesterday is shown if the last contact was on the current date - 1 day. If neither is applicable, the number of days old is shown. Customer Contact
Non-cash Deposit 15 Appears when the account has non-cash deposits effective on the current date Account - Deposit
n Open Contact(s) for Person 4 Appears if there are open customer contacts associated with the person. Refer to Customer Contacts Can Be Used As Case Files for more information. Customer Contact
Pending Order Exists 31 Appears when the person has a pending order. Order
Pending Proposal Contract Exists 36 Appears when the account has a proposal contract in the pending state. Refer to Proposal Contract State Transition for more information. Contract
Pending Quote Exists 34 Appears when the account has a pending quote. Refer to Quote Lifecycle for more information. Quote
Pending Stop 18 Appears when there is a contract in the state of pending stop linked to the account. Refer to The Lifecycle Of A Pending Stop Contract for more information. Start/Stop
n Persons on Account 26c Appears when the account has multiple persons linked to it. An account's persons are maintained on the Account - Person page. Account - Person
Quotable Proposal Contract Exists 35 Appears when the account has a proposal contract in the quotable state. Refer to Proposal Contract State Transition for more information. Contract
Quote Awaiting Customer Response Exists 33 Appears when the account has a complete quote with a quote detail that references a quotable proposal contract. Refer to Quote Lifecycle for more information. Quote
Reactivated Contracts Exist 21 Appears when any of the account's contracts exist in the state of reactivated (i.e., a financial transaction has been generated after the contract was closed). Refer to The Lifecycle Of A Contract for more information. Contract
Contract type alert message 13

Appears when the customer has a contract with an contract type that has been marked with an alert message (refer to Contract Type - Details)

Note that if the account in control central has more than one contract, pressing the drill down button will also launch the contract search dialog.

Seasonal Address Exists 38b Appears if the account has a seasonal address and there is no seasonal address active on the current date. Person - Contact Information
Seasonal Address Currently Effective (MM/DD - MM/DD) 38a Appears if the account has an active seasonal address that is effective on the current date. The date range that the seasonal address is effective is included in the alert. Person - Contact Information
Statement Construct Active 28 Appears if the person has an active statement construct Statement Construct