Contract - Billing Scenarios

Note: This tab may not appear. This tab is suppressed if the quotation Contract Management module is turned off.

This page allows you to define a proposal contract's billing scenarios. Refer to Proposal Contracts Contain Billing Scenarios for more information.

Open this page using Customer Management, Contract, Billing Scenarios.

Description of Page

This page is protected if the contract being displayed is not a proposal contract.

When a quote is generated for a proposal contract, the system creates a simulated bill segment for each billing scenario linked to the proposal contract. Each simulated bill segment shows the prospect how much their bill would be if the pricing terms on the proposal contract were applied to the billing scenario's consumption in the related time period.

Note: You should not have to enter this information from scratch. You can set up the system to automatically generate billing scenarios when a proposal contract is created. Refer to Proposal Contracts Contain Billing Scenarios for the details.

The following information is defined for each billing scenario:

  • Start Date and End Date define the simulated bill segment's period.
  • The grid contains the consumption that will be priced during this period:
    • Unit of Measure is the unit of measure of the service quantity.
    • TOU is the time-of-use code of the service quantity.
    • SQI is the service quantity identifier of the service quantity.
    • Initial Service Quantity is the initial quantity passed to the rate (and massaged by the rate's SQ rules).