Contract - Chars, Qty & Rec. Charges

This page contains the Characteristics, Contract Quantities and Recurring Charges that are in effect for the contract.

Use Customer Management, Contract and navigate to the Chars, Qty & Rec. Charges tab to open this page.

Description of Page

The Characteristics grid allows you to define a characteristic for the contract.

Note: You can only choose characteristic types defined as permissible on the contract record. Refer to Setting Up Characteristic Types & Their Values for more information.

The following fields display:

Effective Date Indicate the date on which the characteristic value becomes effective. The contract's start date defaults.

Characteristic Type Indicate the type of characteristic.

Characteristic Value Indicate the value of the characteristic.

The Contract Quantity grid allows you to define the contract quantities that are in effect for the contract.

Billing may use this information when it calculates a bill segment for the contract if the rate has SQ (service quantity) rules or register rules.

The following fields display:

Effective Date The date this quantity becomes effective. The contract's start date defaults.

Contract Quantity Type The type of contract quantity.

Contract Quantity The contract quantity.

The Recurring Charge section contains effective-dated information that defines the recurring charge amount used to calculate the contract's bill segments. This information is only displayed if the contract's contract type allows a recurring charge amount.

A contract's recurring charge amount history is updated by the system behind-the-scenes as part of the Start Service process. The budget recalculation process can also update this information. You should only have to access this section if you need to change a contract's recurring charge amount on some future date.

Billing uses recurring charge information to select the appropriate recurring charge when it calculates a bill segment for the contract. To modify a recurring charge, simply move to a field and change its value. To change the recurring charge amount effective on a given date, click the + button to insert a row, then fill in the information for each field. The following fields display:

Effective Date The date the charge becomes effective. The contract's start date defaults.

Note: Recurring charge changes during a bill period. Only one recurring charge will be used on any bill segment. The system selects the recurring charge value effective on the end date of the bill segment.

Recurring Charge Amount The recurring charge amount.