Contract - Rate Info

The rate info page contains the contract's rate and information needed by the rate to calculate the contract's bill segments. This information is only displayed if the contract's contract type allows a rate.

Open Customer Management, Contract and navigate to the Rate Info tab to access this page.

Description of Page

The Rate grid controls the rate used to calculate the contract's bill segments. Multiple rows will only exist if the contract's Rate changes over time.

Billing selects a single rate from the Rate grid when it calculates a bill segment for the contract. If multiple rates are defined in this grid, the rate is selected based on the contract's contract type's Rate Selection Date. The following fields display:

  • Effective Date is the date the rate becomes effective. The contract's start date defaults.
  • Rate Schedule defines the rate used to calculate the contract's bill segments. Note, you can only choose rates defined as permissible on the contract's contract type; the permissible rates are shown in the adjacent tree.
Note: Possible override. If your contract is linked to a terms of service record, it is possible that the rate used by the system could get overridden by one referenced on the terms of service. If the rate is overridden by the TOS, the tree on this page indicates the rate source.

The Contract Rider grid allows you to define the contract riders that are in effect for the contract.

Billing uses this information when it calculates a bill segment for the contract if:

  • The rate used to calculate the bill segment contains a rate component that references a bill factor.
  • The referenced bill factor requires a contract rider to levy the associated charge.

If a Contract Rider does not exist or is not effective, the charge associated with the rate component is not applied to the customer's bill.

To modify a contract rider linked to the contract, simply move to a field and change its value. To remove a contract rider, click the - button. To add a new contract rider, click the + button and fill in the information for each field. The following fields display:

  • Use Start Date to define the date on which the contract rider becomes effective. The contract's start date defaults.
  • Use End Date to define the date on which the contract rider expires. This field need only be specified if the contract rider expires on an explicit date.
  • Use Bill Factor to define the type of rider. You may only reference Bill Factors designated as being applicable for contract riders. Note, the Bill Factors linked to the rate that are marked with contract rider applicability are shown in the adjacent tree under the Contract Rider node.
Fastpath: For more information about contract riders, refer to Defining General Bill Factor Information.

The Contract Values grid allows you to defined the contract values that are in effect for the contract.

Billing uses this information when it calculates a bill segment for the contract if:

  • The rate used to calculate the bill segment contains a rate component that references a bill factor.
  • The referenced bill factor uses a contract value to define the amount charged.

The following fields display:

  • Use Start Date to define the date on which the contract value becomes effective. The contract's start date defaults.
  • Use End Date to define the date on which the contract value expires. This field need only be specified if the value rider expires on an explicit date.
  • Use Bill Factor to define the type of value. You may only reference Bill Factors designated as allowing values in contract terms. Note, the Bill Factors linked to the rate that are marked as allowing values in contract terms are shown in the adjacent tree under the Contract Value node.
  • Use Value to define contract value.
Fastpath: For more information about contract values, refer to Defining General Bill Factor Information.

The Tax Exemptions section contains the taxes from which the contract is all or partially exempt.

Billing uses this information when it calculates a bill segment for the contract if:

  • The rate used to calculate the bill segment contains a rate component that references a bill factor.
  • The referenced bill factor can have tax exemptions that limit the amount of the charge.

If the bill factor doesn't have a tax exemption or there are none that are effective during the bill period, the tax is levied in full. If the contract is exempt, the appropriate charge associated with the tax is calculated. We strongly recommend using the "%T" substitution character in the Description on Bill on tax-exemptible rate components so that an appropriate tax exemption message appears on the customer's bill.

Fastpath: For more information about tax exemptions, refer to Defining General Bill Factor Information.

The following fields display:

  • Use Start Date to define the date on which the tax exemption becomes effective.
  • Use End Date to define the date on which the tax exemption expires.
  • Use Bill Factor to define the tax from which the contract is exempt. You may only reference bill factors designated as being tax exemptible. Note, the Bill Factors linked to the rate that are marked as tax exemptible are shown in the adjacent tree under the Tax Exemption node.
  • Use Percent Exempt to define the customer tax exemption percent (e.g., 90 means the customer is 90% exempt and will only pay 10% of the normal tax rate).
  • Use Tax Exempt Type to specify the type of exemption.
  • Use Tax Certification if the customer has a tax exemption certificate.

Related Topics:

Parent Topic: Maintaining Contracts