Correction Note

The Correction Note button is used to cancel and rebill ALL bill segments and create a new bill that contains the cancellation and rebill details. We refer to the resultant bill as a correction note. Refer to Correction Notes - Presenting Correction Notes on a Separate Bill for more information.

This button is enabled if:

  • the Correction Note Billing Option is specified on the Installation record AND
  • the bill is complete AND
  • there is at least one frozen bill segment on the bill or all of the bill's bill segments are frozen or cancelled AND
  • there are no bill segment financial transactions that have been transferred out of the system.

When clicked, the Correction Note window opens.

You must specify the following parameters in the Correction Note window to correct the bill segment:

  • Cancel Reason defines why you are performing the correction.
  • Cutoff Date is the last possible day of each bill period for a bill segment. The current date defaults when the window opens. Refer to Ways To Control The End Date Of A Bill Segment for more information.
  • Accounting Date defines the financial period that the financial transactions are booked for a bill segment. The current date defaults when the window opens.
  • Check Allow Estimates if the system is allowed to estimate consumption.
  • Billing Option controls how the system retrieves the charges on the bill. Select the Use Cut Off Date option if the charges exists on the cut-off date.

  • If you prefer to have the system use the consumption details used on the original bill segments, check Use Old Read/Item/SQ. If this switch is on, neither Allow Estimates nor Billing Option is relevant.
  • After specifying the parameters, click Calculate to correct the bill segments and create a correction note. The Bill Page opens and displays the Correction Note.

Once you complete a correction note, it cannot be reopened.

After you create a correction note, the Undo Correction Note button is activated.

The button is enabled if:

  • the Correction Note Billing Option is specified on the Installation record AND
  • the bill is a correction note AND
  • all of the bill segments for the correction note are freezable.
Note: If you want to issue a correction note for a specific bill segment. You can create a correction note for a specific bill segment on a bill. To do this, drill down on the bill segment in question and then click the Correction Note button on the bill segment page. You can also issue a correction note for selected bill segments by selecting the desired bill segments and clicking the Correction Note button.