How to Re-evaluate Auto Pay Details of a Bill

Oracle Revenue Management and Billing provides the ability to derive the auto pay ID using which an automatic payment is created for a completed bill. The system derives the auto pay ID which is effective on the bill completion date and stores it corresponding to the record in the CI_​BILL_​ACH table. There might be situations wherein the auto pay instructions of an account changes after the bill completion. For example, on completing a bill, the system derived the auto pay ID 123 for the bill on 4th Jan 2023 and the end date of the auto pay ID 123 was changed on 5th Jan 2023. In such case, the system should check whether the auto pay ID 123 is still effective for the bill. Until now, the system was not capable to re-evaluate the auto pay details of a completed bill.

Now, Oracle Revenue Management and Billing enables you to re-evaluate the auto pay ID of all completed bills whose records are present in the CI_​BILL_​ACH table. If you add or edit the non-rule based auto pay instructions (i.e. regular or split auto pay instruction) or rule based auto pay instructions of an account, the system sets the RE_​EVAL_​APAY_​SW flag corresponding to the record in the CI_​ACCT table to Y. A new batch named Re-evaluate latest Auto-Pay details (C1-REAPY) is introduced in this release. You should execute this batch before executing the Create Automatic Payments and Refunds (APAYCRET) batch.

The Re-evaluate latest Auto-Pay details (C1-REAPY) batch is used to re-evaluate the auto pay details for completed bills of an account where the RE_​EVAL_​APAY_​SW flag is set to Y. It considers the records with the debit amount in the CI_​BILL_​ACH table.

If an account has non-rule based auto pay details, the system will fetch the auto pay ID for the completed bill once again and store it corresponding to the record in the CI_​BILL_​ACH table. However, if an account has rule based auto pay instructions, the system will fetch the auto pay ID for the completed bill once again and store it corresponding to the records in the CI_​BILL_​ACH and C1_​FT_​EXT tables. Note that if the system is not able to derive the auto pay details for a completed bill of an account, the system will create a To Do using the C1-REAPY To Do type.