How To Cancel / Rebill A Bill Segment

If a bill segment was frozen but it contains incorrect information, it should be canceled and a new bill segment should be created. We refer to this process as cancel / rebill. Refer to Cancel / Rebill Incorrect Bill Segments for more information.

Before you cancel / rebill, you must correct the cause of the problem. The following table describes common problems and where to go to fix them.

Problem How To Fix It
The wrong rate was used Go to Contract - Rate Info and correct the rate.
A contract rider was applied incorrectly Go to Contract - Rate Info and correct the contract rider information.
The wrong tax exemption amount was calculated Go to Contract - Rate Info and correct the tax exemption information.

After correcting the cause of the problem, you're ready to cancel and rebill the offending bill segment(s). There are several ways to do this:

  • You can use the Cancel / Rebill / Freeze action on Bill - Bill Segments to cancel, rebill and freeze selected bill segments. We recommend using this method if you need to cancel / rebill multiple bill segments due to a pervasive problem.
  • You can use the Rebill action on Bill Segment - Main to cancel and rebill an individual bill segment. We'd recommend using this method if you need to examine the information on the bill segment before and after canceling it. If you use this method, you must also use the Freeze action to freeze the newly created bill segment.
  • If the cause of the problem impacts many bill segments related to a contract, you should use the Multi Cancel Rebill transaction as it allows you to cancel / rebill an unlimited number of bill segments at once.

If the related bill is pending, the cancellation will cause the erroneous bill segment to be suppressed on the version of the bill sent to the customer (but it remains in the database for audit and financial reporting purposes).

If the related bill is complete and you do not Reopen the bill, the financial impact of the canceled bill segment(s) and their rebill bill segment(s) will appear on the next bill created for the account (under Bill Corrections).

If the related bill is complete you may be able to Reopen the bill and then Complete it. By doing this, you can suppress an erroneous frozen bill segment on a previously completed bill. This means that if you catch a problem after completion you don't necessarily have to show the problem to the customer. Rather, cancel / rebill the problem, reopen and then recomplete the bill (when you recomplete the bill the system will mark the bill segment to be suppressed on the version sent to the customer because its cancellation appears on the same bill as the original charges).