Copy Pricing Worksheet

This operation creates a copy of pricing worksheet from an existing source pricing worksheet. This copy operation also creates a new copy of all draft provider pricing clauses (including details) of the selected worksheet into the new worksheet.

Integration Point

  • Process Type: Synchronous

  • End-point: The endpoint URL to 'copy' a pricing worksheet:


Post Operation

A sample POST request payload will look like below.

Request Payload

To create a pricing worksheet copy, send the following request with the payload:

The payload needs to have information on the source and the new pricing worksheet:

    "sourcePricingWorksheetCode": "<source pricing worksheet code>",
    "targetPricingWorksheetCode": "<new pricing worksheet code>",
    "targetPricingWorksheetDescription": "<new pricing worksheet description>",
        "contractReferenceCode": " ",
        "individualProviderCode": " ",
        "individualProviderDefinitionCode": " ",
        "organizationProviderCode": " ",
        "organizationProviderDefinitionCode": " ",
        "providerGroupCode": " ",
        "startDate": " "
  • Executing a post on the end-point mentioned above along with the payload creates a new pricing worksheet as a copy of the source pricing worksheet.

  • It is mandatory to pass the 'source pricing worksheet code', 'target pricing worksheet code' and 'target pricing worksheet description' in the request payload.

If the 'target pricing worksheet code' is already existing then copy operation fails.
  • All draft provider pricing clauses (including details) of the selected source pricing worksheet are copied into the targeted new pricing worksheet and are created with validation status as 'unknown' and build status as 'new'.

  • DPPC override properties are optional to specify. If specified, then these values are set as such into each newly created draft provider pricing clause.

    • If not specified, then the values for those fields are copied from the original draft provider pricing clauses; i.e. they are not overridden.

      • Contract reference code,

      • Individual provider code,

      • Individual provider definition code,

      • Organization provider code,

      • Organization Provider definition code,

      • Provider group code,

      • Start date.

  • The following items are not copied to the new worksheet:

    • Last validation: on the new worksheet this field will be empty initially (for worksheet and draft provider pricing clauses).

    • Last build: on the new worksheet this field will be empty initially (for worksheet and draft provider pricing clauses).

    • Validation statuses: all new draft provider pricing clauses are set to validation status 'Unknown'.

    • Build statuses: all new draft provider pricing clauses are set to build status 'New'.

    • Validation messages: validation messages are not copied to the new worksheet.

    • Counts: Draft and Real provider pricing clause counts concerning worksheet lines are not copied to the new worksheet.

    • Created from Template/Section/Option: these fields will be empty for all draft provider pricing clauses in the new worksheet.

Response Message

This operation will provide HTTP status codes as defined in Response Messages.

  • Success

    • HTTP Status 201 (created) is returned after the operation is completed successfully.

    • Response Header has re-direction link to newly created pricing worksheet URL

  • Failure

    • If an error occurs, the appropriate HTTP status code is returned. This way, the operation can be executed again after the reason for failure has been fixed.

    • The following operation specific error can occur:

Table 1. Response Message
Code Sev Message



Source pricing worksheet code {code} is unknown



Target pricing worksheet with code {code} already exists

The response can also contain generic error messages that are not specific to this web service. Please refer to Response Messages section for more details.


  • The 'copyPricingWorksheet IP' grant access restriction protects this integration point.