The software described in this documentation is either in Extended Support or Sustaining Support. See for more information.
Oracle recommends that you upgrade the software described by this documentation as soon as possible.

9.2.7 Guidelines for Examining a Dump File

The steps for debugging a memory dump from a kernel crash vary widely according to the problem. The following guidelines suggest some basic investigations that you can try:

  • Use bt to trace the functions that led to the kernel panic.

  • Use bt -a to trace the active task on each CPU. There is often a relationship between the panicking task on one CPU and the running tasks on the other CPUs. If the listed command is cpu_idle or swapper, no task was running on a CPU.

  • Use bt -l to display the line number of the source files corresponding to each function call in the stack trace.

  • Use kmem -i to obtain a summary of memory and swap usage. Look for a SLAB value greater than 500 MB and a SWAP USED value greater than 0%.

  • Use ps | grep UN to check for processes in the TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE state (D state), usually because they are waiting on I/O. Such processes contribute to the load average and cannot be killed.

  • Use files to display the files that a process had open.

You can shell indirection operators to save output from a command to a file for later analysis or to pipe the output through commands such as grep, for example:

crash> foreach files > files.txt
crash> foreach bt | grep bash
PID: 3685   TASK: ffff880058714580  CPU: 1   COMMAND: "bash"
PID: 11853  TASK: ffff88001c6826c0  CPU: 0   COMMAND: "bash"