The software described in this documentation is either in Extended Support or Sustaining Support. See for more information.
Oracle recommends that you upgrade the software described by this documentation as soon as possible.

23.6.3 Enabling Kerberos Authentication

To be able to use Kerberos authentication with an LDAP or NIS client, use yum to install the krb5-libs and krb5-workstation packages.

If you use the Authentication Configuration GUI (system-config-authentication) and select LDAP or NIS as the user account database, select Kerberos password as the authentication method and enter values for:


The name of the Kerberos realm.


A comma-separated list of Key Distribution Center (KDC) servers that can issue Kerberos ticket granting tickets and service tickets.

Admin Servers

A comma-separated list of Kerberos administration servers.

Alternatively, you can use DNS to configure these settings:

  • Select the Use DNS to resolve hosts to realms check box to look up the name of the realm defined as a TXT record in DNS, for example:    IN TXT "MYDOM.COM"
  • Select the Use DNS to locate KDCs for realms check box to look up the KDCs and administration servers defined as SVR records in DNS, for example:      IN SVR 1  0 88      IN SVR 1  0 88       IN SVR 1  0 464  IN SVR 1  0 749

Figure 23.6 shows the Authentication Configuration GUI with LDAP selected as the user account database and Kerberos selected for authentication.

Figure 23.6 Authentication Configuration of LDAP with Kerberos Authentication

The figure shows the Authentication Configuration GUI with LDAP selected as the user account database and Kerberos selected for authentication.

Alternatively, you can use the authconfig command to configure Kerberos authentication with LDAP, for example:

# authconfig --enableldap \
  --ldapbasedn="dc=mydom,dc=com" --ldapserver=ldap:// \
  [--enableldaptls --ldaploadcacert=] \
  --enablekrb5  \
  --krb5realm=MYDOM.COM | --enablekrb5realmdns \ | --enablekrb5kdcdns \

or with NIS:

# authconfig --enablenis \
  --enablekrb5 \
  --krb5realm=MYDOM.COM | --enablekrb5realmdns \ | --enablekrb5kdcdns \

The --enablekrb5 option enables Kerberos authentication by modifying the PAM configuration files in /etc/pam.d to use the module. The --enableldap and --enablenis options configure /etc/nsswitch.conf to enable the system to use LDAP or NIS for information services.

For more information, see the authconfig(8), nsswitch.conf(5), and pam_krb5(5) manual pages.