The software described in this documentation is either in Extended Support or Sustaining Support. See for more information.
Oracle recommends that you upgrade the software described by this documentation as soon as possible.

23.5.3 Adding User Accounts to NIS


This procedure assumes that:


NIS authentication is deprecated as it has security issues, including a lack of protection of authentication data.

To create an account for a NIS user on the NIS master server:

  1. If the NIS master server does not already export the base directory of the users' home directories, perform the following steps on the NIS master server:

    1. Create the base directory for user directories, for example /nethome:

      # mkdir /nethome
    2. Add an entry such as the following to /etc/exports:

      /nethome    *(rw,sync)

      You might prefer to restrict which clients can mount the file system. For example, the following entry allows only clients in the subnet to mount /nethome:

    3. Use the following command to export the file system:

      # exportfs -i -o ro,sync *:/nethome
    4. If you have configured /var/yp/Makfile to make the auto.home map available to NIS clients, create the following entry in /etc/auto.home:

      *    -rw,sync    nissvr:/nethome/&

      In the example, nissvr is the host name or IP address of the NIS server.

  2. Create the user account:

    # useradd -b /nethome username

    The command updates the /etc/passwd file and creates a home directory on the NIS server.

  3. Depending on the type of authentication that you have configured:

    • For Kerberos authentication, on the Kerberos server or a client system with kadmin access, use kadmin to create a principal for the user in the Kerberos domain, for example:

      # kadmin -q "addprinc username@KRBDOMAIN"

      The command prompts you to set a password for the user, and adds the principal to the Kerberos database.

    • For NIS authentication, use the passwd command:

      # passwd username

      The command updates the /etc/shadow file with the hashed password.

  4. Update the NIS maps:

    # make -C /var/yp

    This command makes the NIS maps that are defined for the all target in /var/yp/Makefile. If you have configured NOPUSH=false in /var/yp/Makefile and the names of the slave servers in /var/yp/ypservers, the command also pushes the updated maps to the slave servers.


A Kerberos-authenticated user can use either kpasswd or passwd to change his or her password. A NIS-authenticated user must use the yppasswd command rather than passwd to change his or her password.