The software described in this documentation is either in Extended Support or Sustaining Support. See for more information.
Oracle recommends that you upgrade the software described by this documentation as soon as possible. Modifying a Container to Use a Static IP Address

By default, a container connected by macvlan relies on the DHCP server on your local network to obtain its IP address. If you want the container to act as a server, you would usually configure it with a static IP address. You can configure DHCP to serve a static IP address for a container or you can define the address in the container's config file.

To configure a static IP address that a container does not obtain using DHCP:

  1. Edit /container/name/rootfs/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-iface, where iface is the name of the network interface, and change the following line:


    to read:

  2. Add the following line to /container/name/config: =

    where is the IP address of the container in CIDR format, for example:


    The address must not already be in use on the network or potentially be assignable by a DHCP server to another system.

    To configure DNS, edit the hosts and resolv.conf files under /container/name/rootfs/etc.

    You might also need to configure the firewall on the host to allow access to a network service that is provided by a container.