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Sun Datacenter InfiniBand Switch 36 HTML Document Collection for Firmware Version 2.1
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Document Information

Using This Documentation

Product Notes

Related Documentation


Access to Oracle Support


Understanding the Switch

Switch Overview

Physical Specifications

Environmental Requirements

Acoustic Noise Emissions

Electrical Specifications

NET MGT Connector and Pins

USB Management Connector and Pins

InfiniBand QSFP Connector and Pins

Understanding Cabling

Routing Service Cables

Understanding InfiniBand Cabling

Preparing to Install the Switch

Installation Preparation

Suggested Tools for Installation

Antistatic Precautions for Installation

Installation Responsibilities

Installation Sequence

Verify Shipping Carton Contents

Assemble the Optical Fiber InfiniBand Cables

Route the InfiniBand Cables

Installing the Switch

Install the Switch in the Rack

Powering On the Switch

Connecting InfiniBand cables

Verifying the InfiniBand Fabric


Troubleshooting the Switch

Switch Hardware Problems

InfiniBand Fabric Problems

Network Management Troubleshooting Guidelines

Understanding Routing Through the Switch

Switch GUIDs Overview

Understanding Administrative Commands

Configuration Overview

Oracle ILOM Command Overview

Hardware Command Overview

InfiniBand Command Overview

Administering the Chassis

Monitoring the Chassis

Controlling the Chassis

Administering the I4 Switch Chip

Monitoring the I4 Switch Chip

Controlling the I4 Switch Chip

Administering the Subnet Manager

Monitoring the Subnet Manager

Controlling the Subnet Manager

Configuring Secure Fabric Management

Administering the InfiniBand Fabric

Monitoring the InfiniBand Fabric

Controlling the InfiniBand Fabric

Remote Management

Understanding Oracle ILOM on the Switch

Oracle ILOM Overview

Supported Features

Understanding Oracle ILOM Targets

Administering Oracle ILOM (CLI)

CLI Overview

Accessing Oracle ILOM From the CLI

Switching Between the Oracle ILOM Shell and the Linux Shell

Monitoring Oracle ILOM Targets (CLI)

Controlling Oracle ILOM Targets (CLI)

Upgrading the Switch Firmware Through Oracle ILOM (CLI)

Administering Oracle ILOM (Web)

Web Interface Overview

Access Oracle ILOM From the Web Interface

Monitoring Oracle ILOM Targets (Web)

Controlling Oracle ILOM Targets (Web)

Upgrade the Switch Firmware (Web)

Using the Fabric Monitor

Access the Fabric Monitor

Fabric Monitor Features

Accessing the Rear Panel Diagram

Accessing Status Pane Information

Control Panel Function

Monitoring Parameters and Status

Administering Oracle ILOM (SNMP)

SNMP Overview

Understanding SNMP Commands

Monitoring Oracle ILOM Targets (SNMP)

Controlling Oracle ILOM Targets (SNMP)

Administering Hardware (IPMI)

ipmitool Overview

Display the Sensor States (IPMI)

Display the Sensor Information (IPMI)

Display the System Event Log (IPMI)

Display FRU ID Information (IPMI)

Display Switch Status LED States (IPMI)

Enable the Locator LED (IPMI)

Disable the Locator LED (IPMI)

Understanding Oracle ILOM Commands

cd Command

create Command

delete Command

dump Command

exit Command (Oracle ILOM)

help Command (Oracle ILOM)

load Command

reset Command

set Command

show Command

version Command (Oracle ILOM)


Detecting and Managing Faults

Interpreting Status LEDs

Managing Faulty Components

Identify Faults in the Oracle ILOM Event Log

Determining the Alarm State of a Component or System

Evaluating Sensor Alarms

Accessing CLI Prompts

Understanding Service Procedures

Replaceable Components

Suggested Tools for Service

Antistatic Precautions for Service

Servicing Power Supplies

Determine If a Power Supply Is Faulty

Inspecting a Power Supply

Power Off a Power Supply

Remove a Power Supply

Install a Power Supply

Power On a Power Supply

Servicing Fans

Determine If a Fan Is Faulty

Inspecting a Fan

Remove a Fan

Install a Fan

Servicing InfiniBand Cables

Inspecting the InfiniBand Cables

Remove an InfiniBand Cable

Install an InfiniBand Cable

Servicing the Battery

Determine If the Battery Is Faulty

Remove the Switch From the Rack

Replace the Battery


Understanding Hardware Commands

Linux Shells for Hardware Commands

autodisable Command

checkboot Command

checkpower Command

checktopomax Command

checkvoltages Command

connector Command

create_ipoib Command

createfabric Command

dcsport Command

delete_ipoib Command

disablecablelog Command

disablelinklog Command

disablesm Command

disableswitchport Command

enablecablelog Command

enablelinklog Command

enablesm Command

enableswitchport Command

env_test Command

exit Command (Hardware)

fdconfig Command

fwverify Command

generatetopology Command

getfanspeed Command

getmaster Command

getportcounters Command

getportstatus Command

help Command (Hardware)

listlinkup Command

localmkeypersistence Command

matchtopology Command

setcontrolledhandover Command

setmsmlocationmonitor Command

setsmmkey Command

setsmpriority Command

setsmrouting Command

setsubnetprefix Command

showdisk Command

showfree Command

showfruinfo Command

showpsufru Command

showsmlog Command

showtemps Command

showtopology Command

showunhealthy Command

smconfigtest Command

smnodes Command

smpartition Command

smsubnetprotection Command

version Command (Hardware)

Understanding InfiniBand Commands

Linux Shells for InfiniBand Commands

ibdiagnet Command

ibhosts Command

ibnetdiscover Command

ibnetstatus Command

ibnodes Command

ibportstate Command

ibroute Command

ibrouters Command

ibstat Command

ibswitches Command

ibtracert Command

perfquery Command

saquery Command

smpquery Command

Understanding SNMP MIB OIDs

OID Tables Overview

Understanding the SUN-DCS-IB-MIB MIB OIDs

Understanding the SUN-FABRIC-MIB MIB OIDs

Understanding the SUN-HW-TRAP-MIB MIB OIDs


Understanding the SUN-PLATFORM-MIB MIB OIDs

Understanding the ENTITY-MIB MIB OIDs
























saquery command, index iconsaquery Command
secret M_Key, index iconsmsubnetprotection Command
adding secret M_Keys, index iconAdd Secret M_Keys to the Configuration
conditions for situations, index iconConsidering Situations In Regard to Secret M_Key
configuring, index iconConfiguring Secret M_Keys
configuring local, index iconConfigure a Local Secret M_Key
creating configuration, index iconCreate the Secret M_Key Configuration
deleting secret M_Keys, index iconDelete Secret M_Keys From the Configuration
functionality, index iconEnable or Disable Secret M_Key Functionality
persistence, index iconEnable or Disable Secret M_Key Persistence
displaying, index iconDisplay Configured Secret M_Keys
configuration, index iconDisplay the Secret M_Key Configuration
persistence, index iconVerify M_Key Persistence
functionality, index iconEnable or Disable Secret M_Key Functionality
persistence, index iconEnable or Disable Secret M_Key Persistence
firmware guidelines, index iconSecret M_Key and Firmware Upgrade and Downgrade Guidelines
merging subnets, index iconMerge Subnets Into One Secret M_Key Fabric
new Subnet Manager, index iconAdd a New Subnet Manager to the Secret M_Key Fabric
overview, index iconSecret M_Key Overview
preparing, index iconPrepare for Secret M_Key Functionality
setting replication password, index iconSet the Replication Password
setting to use, index iconSet the Secret M_Key to Use
secure fabric management, index iconConfiguring Secure Fabric Management
sensor alarms
determining types, index iconDetermine Oracle ILOM Sensor Target Types
displaying status, index iconDisplay Oracle ILOM Sensor Status
evaluating, index iconEvaluating Sensor Alarms
presence, index iconEvaluating a Presence Sensor Alarm
speed, index iconEvaluating a Speed Sensor Alarm
state, index iconEvaluating a State Sensor Alarm
temperature, index iconEvaluating a Temperature Sensor Alarm
voltage, index iconEvaluating a Voltage Sensor Alarm
sequence of installation tasks, index iconInstallation Sequence
battery, index iconServicing the Battery
fan, index iconServicing Fans
InfiniBand cable, index iconServicing InfiniBand Cables
power supply, index iconServicing Power Supplies
set command, index iconset Command
setcontrolledhandover command, index iconsetcontrolledhandover Command
setmsmlocationmonitor command, index iconsetmsmlocationmonitor Command
setsmmkey command
index iconSet the Subnet Manager Readable Management Key
index iconClear the Subnet Manager Readable Management Key
index iconsetsmmkey Command
setsmpriority command
index iconStart the Subnet Manager
index iconDisplay Subnet Manager Priority, Controlled Handover State, Prefix, Management Key, and Routing Algorithm
index iconSet the Subnet Manager Priority
index iconEnable Subnet Manager Controlled Handover
index iconsetsmpriority Command
setsmrouting command
index iconSet the Subnet Manager Routing Algorithm
index iconsetsmrouting Command
setsubnetprefix command
index iconSet the Subnet Manager Prefix
index iconsetsubnetprefix Command
from CLI
CLI timeout, index iconSet the Oracle ILOM CLI Session Timeout (CLI)
date, index iconSet the Date and Time (CLI)
host name, index iconSet the System Identification Properties (CLI)
log hosts, index iconSet the Remote Log Hosts (CLI)
network management configuration, index iconSet the Network Management Parameters (CLI)
NTP servers, index iconSet the Date and Time (CLI)
SNMP configuration, index iconConfigure the SNMP Service (CLI)
system identity, index iconSet the System Identification Properties (CLI)
from SNMP
date, index iconSet the Date and Time (SNMP)
host name, index iconSet the System Identification Properties (SNMP)
HTTP state, index iconSet the HTTP Service State (SNMP)
HTTPS state, index iconSet the HTTPS Service State (SNMP)
log hosts, index iconSet the Remote Log Hosts (SNMP)
network parameters, index iconSet the Network Parameters (SNMP)
NTP servers, index iconSet the Network Time Protocol Servers (SNMP)
NTP state, index iconSet the Network Time Protocol State (SNMP)
system identity, index iconSet the System Identification Properties (SNMP)
time zone, index iconSet the Time Zone (SNMP)
from web
CLI timeout, index iconSet the CLI Session Timeout (Web)
date, index iconSet the Date and Time (Web)
host name, index iconSet the System Identification Properties (Web)
log hosts, index iconSet the Remote Log Hosts (Web)
network management configuration, index iconSet the Network Management Parameters (Web)
NTP servers, index iconSet the Date and Time (Web)
SNMP configuration, index iconConfigure the SNMP Service (Web)
system identity, index iconSet the System Identification Properties (Web)
time zone, index iconSet the Time Zone (Web)
port speed, index iconSet Port Speed
replication password, index iconSet the Replication Password
secret M_Key to use, index iconSet the Secret M_Key to Use
Subnet Manager
controlled handover, index iconEnable Subnet Manager Controlled Handover
management key, index iconSet the Subnet Manager Readable Management Key
prefix, index iconSet the Subnet Manager Prefix
priority, index iconSet the Subnet Manager Priority
routing algorithm, index iconSet the Subnet Manager Routing Algorithm
shipping carton contents, index iconVerify Shipping Carton Contents
show command, index iconshow Command
showdisk command
index iconDisplay Flash Drive Information
index iconshowdisk Command
showfree command
index iconDisplay Free Memory and File System Space
index iconshowfree Command
showfruinfo command
index iconDisplay Chassis FRU ID
index iconshowfruinfo Command
showpsufru command
index iconDisplay Power Supply FRU ID
index iconshowpsufru Command
showsmlog command
index iconDisplay the Subnet Manager Log
index iconshowsmlog Command
showtemps command
index iconDisplay Internal Temperatures
index iconshowtemps Command
showtopology command
index iconDisplay the InfiniBand Fabric Topology (Simple)
index iconshowtopology Command
showunhealthy command
index iconVerify the Switch Status
index iconDisplay Switch General Health
index iconshowunhealthy Command
smconfigtest command
index iconVerify the Subnet Manager Configuration Integrity
index iconsmconfigtest Command
sminfo command, index iconDisplay Subnet Manager Status
add command, index iconCreate the smnodes List
adding to list, index iconCreate the smnodes List
delete command, index iconUpdate the smnodes List
deleting from list, index iconUpdate the smnodes List
displaying, index iconDisplay the smnodes List
list command, index iconDisplay the smnodes List
smnodes command, index iconsmnodes Command
add command, index iconAdd or Remove a Port From a Partition
create command, index iconCreate a User Partition
delete command, index iconDelete a Partition
list command, index iconDisplay the InfiniBand Fabric Partition Configuration
modify command, index iconModify a Partition or Port
remove command, index iconAdd or Remove a Port From a Partition
start command, index iconCreate a User Partition
smpartition command
index iconsmpartition Command
index iconsmpartition Command
guidelines, index iconsmpartition Command Guidelines
smpquery command
index iconDisplay Low-Level Detailed Information About a Node
index iconDisplay Low-Level Detailed Information About a Port
index iconsmpquery Command
add command, index iconAdd Secret M_Keys to the Configuration
delete command, index iconDelete Secret M_Keys From the Configuration
disablesecretmkey command, index iconEnable or Disable Secret M_Key Functionality
enablesecretmkey command, index iconEnable or Disable Secret M_Key Functionality
list active command
index iconDisplay the Secret M_Key Configuration
index iconDisplay Configured Secret M_Keys
set-current command, index iconSet the Secret M_Key to Use
setlocalsecretmkey command, index iconConfigure a Local Secret M_Key
setreplicationpassword command, index iconSet the Replication Password
start command, index iconCreate the Secret M_Key Configuration
smsubnetprotection command
index iconsmsubnetprotection Command
index iconsmsubnetprotection Command
SMTP client
from CLI, index iconConfigure the SMTP Client (CLI)
from SNMP, index iconConfigure the SMTP Client (SNMP)
from web, index iconConfigure the SMTP Client (Web)
displaying status, index iconDisplay the SMTP Client Status (SNMP)
snapshot dataset information
CLI, index iconSnapshot Dataset Information (CLI)
web, index iconSnapshot Dataset Information (Web)
administering Oracle ILOM, index iconAdministering Oracle ILOM (SNMP)
checking services, index iconChecking the Status of Services (SNMP)
clearing Oracle ILOM event log, index iconClear the Oracle ILOM Event Log (SNMP)
commands, index iconSNMP Commands
understanding, index iconUnderstanding SNMP Commands
V1 format, index iconV1 and V2c Protocol Command Format
V2c format, index iconV1 and V2c Protocol Command Format
V3 format, index iconV3 Protocol Command Format
DNS client, index iconConfigure the DNS Client (SNMP)
SMTP client, index iconConfigure the SMTP Client (SNMP)
alerts, index iconDisable Alerts (SNMP)
HTTP, index iconSet the HTTP Service State (SNMP)
HTTPS, index iconSet the HTTPS Service State (SNMP)
log hosts, index iconSet the Remote Log Hosts (SNMP)
NTP, index iconSet the Network Time Protocol State (SNMP)
aggregate sensor state
index iconDisplay the Aggregate Sensors State (SNMP)
index iconDisplay the Sensor Alarm State (SNMP)
alerts, index iconDisplay the Alert Properties (SNMP)
board voltages, index iconDisplay Board-Level Voltages (SNMP)
date and time, index iconDisplay the Date and Time (SNMP)
DNS client status, index iconDisplay the DNS Client Status (SNMP)
fan speed, index iconDisplay Fan Status (SNMP)
fan status, index iconDisplay Fan Status (SNMP)
host name, index iconDisplay System Identification Properties (SNMP)
HTTP status, index iconDisplay the HTTP Service Status (SNMP)
HTTPS status, index iconDisplay the HTTPS Service Status (SNMP)
internal temperatures, index iconDisplay Internal Temperatures (SNMP)
log hosts, index iconDisplay the Remote Log Hosts (SNMP)
network management configuration, index iconDisplay the Network Management Configuration (SNMP)
NTP servers, index iconDisplay the NTP Servers (SNMP)
NTP state, index iconDisplay the NTP State (SNMP)
Oracle ILOM event log, index iconDisplay the Oracle ILOM Event Log (SNMP)
Oracle ILOM sessions, index iconDisplay Oracle ILOM Sessions (SNMP)
Oracle ILOM users, index iconDisplay Oracle ILOM User Accounts (SNMP)
Oracle ILOM version, index iconDisplay the Firmware Version (SNMP)
other aspects, index iconVerifying Other Aspects With Oracle ILOM (SNMP)
physical entities, index iconDisplay the System Components (SNMP)
physical entity classes, index iconDisplay the System Components (SNMP)
physical entity descriptions, index iconDisplay the System Components (SNMP)
physical entity information, index iconDisplay the Additional System Component Information (SNMP)
power supply FRU ID, index iconDisplay Power Supply FRU ID (SNMP)
power supply status, index iconDisplay Power Supply Status (SNMP)
switch FRU ID, index iconDisplay Switch FRU ID (SNMP)
system components, index iconDisplay the System Components (SNMP)
system identity, index iconDisplay System Identification Properties (SNMP)
time zone, index iconDisplay the Time Zone (SNMP)
alerts send emails, index iconEnable Alerts to Send Email Alerts (SNMP)
alerts send PETs, index iconEnable Alerts to Send PETs (SNMP)
alerts send traps, index iconEnable Alerts to Send SNMP Traps (SNMP)
HTTP, index iconSet the HTTP Service State (SNMP)
HTTPS, index iconSet the HTTPS Service State (SNMP)
log hosts, index iconSet the Remote Log Hosts (SNMP)
NTP, index iconSet the Network Time Protocol State (SNMP)
from CLI
adding communities, index iconAdd SNMP Service Communities (CLI)
adding users, index iconAdd SNMP Service User Accounts (CLI)
deleting communities, index iconDelete SNMP Service Communities (CLI)
deleting users, index iconDelete SNMP Service User Accounts (CLI)
disabling, index iconDisable the SNMP Service (CLI)
downloading MIBs, index iconDownload SNMP Service MIBs (CLI)
enabling, index iconEnable the SNMP Service (CLI)
managing, index iconManaging SNMP Services (CLI)
modifying communities, index iconModify SNMP Service Communities (CLI)
modifying users, index iconModify SNMP Service User Accounts (CLI)
setting configuration, index iconConfigure the SNMP Service (CLI)
from web
adding communities, index iconAdd SNMP Service Communities (Web)
adding users, index iconAdd SNMP Service User Accounts (Web)
deleting communities, index iconDelete SNMP Service Communities (Web)
deleting users, index iconDelete SNMP Service User Accounts (Web)
disabling, index iconDisable the SNMP Service (Web)
downloading MIBs, index iconDownload SNMP Service MIBs (Web)
enabling, index iconEnable the SNMP Service (Web)
managing, index iconManaging SNMP Services (Web)
modifying communities, index iconModify SNMP Service Communities (Web)
modifying users, index iconModify SNMP Service User Accounts (Web)
setting configuration, index iconConfigure the SNMP Service (Web)
managing other aspects, index iconManaging Other Aspects With Oracle ILOM (SNMP)
MIB OIDs, index iconUnderstanding SNMP MIB OIDs
tables overview, index iconOID Tables Overview
modify alerts, index iconModify Alert SNMP Version (SNMP)
Oracle ILOM
controlling, index iconControlling Oracle ILOM Targets (SNMP)
monitoring, index iconMonitoring Oracle ILOM Targets (SNMP)
Oracle ILOM user
adding, index iconAdd an Oracle ILOM User Account (SNMP)
deleting, index iconDelete an Oracle ILOM User Account (SNMP)
overview, index iconSNMP Overview
daily tasks, index iconPerforming Daily Tasks (SNMP)
general tasks, index iconPerforming General Tasks (SNMP)
user tasks, index iconPerforming User Tasks (SNMP)
date, index iconSet the Date and Time (SNMP)
host name, index iconSet the System Identification Properties (SNMP)
HTTP state, index iconSet the HTTP Service State (SNMP)
HTTPS state, index iconSet the HTTPS Service State (SNMP)
log hosts, index iconSet the Remote Log Hosts (SNMP)
network parameters, index iconSet the Network Parameters (SNMP)
NTP servers, index iconSet the Network Time Protocol Servers (SNMP)
NTP state, index iconSet the Network Time Protocol State (SNMP)
system identity, index iconSet the System Identification Properties (SNMP)
time zone, index iconSet the Time Zone (SNMP)
acoustic noise, index iconAcoustic Noise Emissions
electrical, index iconElectrical Specifications
environmental, index iconEnvironmental Requirements
physical, index iconPhysical Specifications
switch, index iconUnderstanding the Switch
speed sensor
evaluating, index iconEvaluate a Speed Sensor
out of range, index iconSpeed Out of Range
values, index iconSpeed Sensor Values
ssh command, index iconAccess the Management Controller From the NET MGT Port
SSL certificate
from CLI
installing, index iconInstall a Custom SSL Certificate and Key (CLI)
removing, index iconRemove the Custom SSL Certificate and Key (CLI)
from web
installing, index iconInstall a Custom SSL Certificate and Key (Web)
removing, index iconRemove the Custom SSL Certificate and Key (Web)
starting Subnet Manager, index iconStart the Subnet Manager
state sensor
alarm conditions, index iconState Sensor Alarm Conditions
evaluating, index iconEvaluate a State Sensor
chassis, index iconDisplay Switch Environmental and Operational Data
fan, index iconDisplay Fan Status
flash drive, index iconDisplay Flash Drive Information
link, index iconCheck Link Status
power supply, index iconDisplay Power Supply Status
Subnet Manager, index iconDisplay Subnet Manager Status
status pane
accessing, index iconAccessing Status Pane Information
IB performance tab, index iconIB Performance Tab
IB port map tab, index iconIB Port Map Tab
sensor info tab, index iconSensor Info Tab
Subnet Manager tab, index iconSubnet Manager Tab
system info tab, index iconSystem Info Tab
Subnet Manager
added to secret M_Key fabric, index iconAdd a New Subnet Manager to the Secret M_Key Fabric
clearing management key, index iconClear the Subnet Manager Readable Management Key
configuration integrity, index iconVerify the Subnet Manager Configuration Integrity
controlled handover state, index iconDisplay Subnet Manager Priority, Controlled Handover State, Prefix, Management Key, and Routing Algorithm
controlling, index iconControlling the Subnet Manager
disabling, index iconDisable the Subnet Manager
configuration integrity, index iconVerify the Subnet Manager Configuration Integrity
location history, index iconDisplay Subnet Manager Location History
log, index iconDisplay the Subnet Manager Log
management key, index iconDisplay Subnet Manager Priority, Controlled Handover State, Prefix, Management Key, and Routing Algorithm
prefix, index iconDisplay Subnet Manager Priority, Controlled Handover State, Prefix, Management Key, and Routing Algorithm
priority, index iconDisplay Subnet Manager Priority, Controlled Handover State, Prefix, Management Key, and Routing Algorithm
routing algorithm, index iconDisplay Subnet Manager Priority, Controlled Handover State, Prefix, Management Key, and Routing Algorithm
status, index iconDisplay Subnet Manager Status
index iconStart the Subnet Manager
index iconEnable the Subnet Manager
management key
index iconDisplay Subnet Manager Priority, Controlled Handover State, Prefix, Management Key, and Routing Algorithm
index iconSet the Subnet Manager Readable Management Key
index iconClear the Subnet Manager Readable Management Key
monitoring, index iconMonitoring the Subnet Manager
controlled handover, index iconEnable Subnet Manager Controlled Handover
management key, index iconSet the Subnet Manager Readable Management Key
prefix, index iconSet the Subnet Manager Prefix
priority, index iconSet the Subnet Manager Priority
routing algorithm, index iconSet the Subnet Manager Routing Algorithm
starting, index iconStart the Subnet Manager
enclosure nodes OIDs, index iconEnclosure Nodes OIDs
enclosure OIDs, index iconEnclosure OIDs
IB trap OIDs, index iconIB Trap OIDs
MIB OIDs, index iconUnderstanding the SUN-DCS-IB-MIB MIB OIDs
neighbor node OIDs, index iconNeighbor Node OIDs
OID command syntax, index iconSUN-DCS-IB-MIB MIB OID Command Syntax
Performance Manager agent OIDs, index iconUnderstanding Performance Manager Agent OIDs
PMA extended port counters OIDs, index iconPMA Extended Port Counters Table OIDs
PMA port counters OIDs, index iconPMA Port Counters Table OIDs
SNMP trap control OIDs, index iconTrap Control OIDs
SNMP trap notification OIDs, index iconTrap Notification OIDs
SNMP trap OIDs, index iconUnderstanding SNMP Trap OIDs
SNMP trap threshold OIDs, index iconTrap Threshold OIDs
Subnet Manager agent OIDs, index iconSubnet Manager Agent Data Port OIDs
Subnet Manager OIDs, index iconSubnet Manager Info OIDs
fabric element OIDs, index iconFabric Element OIDs
fabric management element OIDs, index iconFabric Management Element OIDs
fabric management external element OIDs, index iconFabric Management External Element OIDs
fabric management link OIDs, index iconFabric Management Link OIDs
fabric management OIDs, index iconFabric Management OIDs
fabric trap configuration OIDs, index iconFabric Trap Configuration OIDs
MIB OIDs, index iconUnderstanding the SUN-FABRIC-MIB MIB OIDs
OID command syntax, index iconSUN-FABRIC-MIB MIB OID Command Syntax
hardware fault traps, index iconHardware Fault Traps
hardware trap configuration OIDs, index iconHardware Trap Configuration OIDs
hardware trap OIDs, index iconUnderstanding the SUN-HW-TRAP-MIB MIB OIDs
hardware traps, index iconHardware Traps
MIB OIDs, index iconUnderstanding the SUN-HW-TRAP-MIB MIB OIDs
alert OIDs, index iconAlert OIDs
backup and restore OIDs, index iconBackup and Restore OIDs
clock OIDs, index iconClock OIDs
DNS OIDs, index iconDNS OIDs
event log OIDs, index iconEvent Log OIDs
HTTP OIDs, index iconHTTP OIDs
HTTPS OIDs, index iconHTTPS OIDs
identification OIDs, index iconIdentification OIDs
MIB OIDs, index iconUnderstanding the SUN-ILOM-CONTROL-MIB MIB OIDs
network OIDs, index iconNetwork OIDs
NTP OIDs, index iconNTP OIDs
OID command syntax, index iconSUN-ILOM-CONTROL-MIB MIB OID Command Syntax
remote syslog OIDs, index iconRemote Syslog OIDs
session OIDs, index iconSession OIDs
SMTP OIDs, index iconSMTP OIDs
user OIDs, index iconUser OIDs
alarm OIDs, index iconSun Platform Alarm Table OIDs
discrete sensor OIDs, index iconDiscrete Sensor Table OIDs
fan OIDs, index iconSun Platform Fan Table OIDs
high level OIDs, index iconHigh-Level OIDs
MIB OIDs, index iconUnderstanding the SUN-PLATFORM-MIB MIB OIDs
MIB physical OIDs, index iconUnderstanding MIB Physical OIDs
NIM equipment OIDs, index iconNIM Equipment Table OIDs
numeric sensor OIDs, index iconSun Platform Numeric Sensor Table OIDs
OID command syntax, index iconSUN-PLATFORM-MIB MIB OID Command Syntax
physical class extension OIDs, index iconPhysical Class Extension Table OIDs
sensor OIDs, index iconSun Platform Sensor Table OIDs
supportive tasks, index iconPerforming Supportive Tasks
configuration back up
from CLI, index iconBack Up the Configuration (CLI)
from web, index iconBack Up the Configuration (Web)
configuration restore
from CLI, index iconRestore the Configuration (CLI)
from web, index iconRestore the Configuration (Web)
GUIDs, index iconSwitch GUIDs Overview
identity, index iconIdentify All Switches in the Fabric
installing into rack, index iconInstall the Switch in the Rack
from CLI, index iconDisplay Switch Status LEDs States (CLI)
from IPMI, index iconDisplay Switch Status LED States (IPMI)
monitoring, index iconSwitch Connector Parameters and Status
overview, index iconSwitch Overview
powering off, index iconPower Off a Power Supply
powering on, index iconPowering On the Switch
removing from rack, index iconRemove the Switch From the Rack
specifications, index iconUnderstanding the Switch
troubleshooting, index iconTroubleshooting the Switch
verifying status, index iconVerify the Switch Status
switch chip
checking boot status, index iconDisplay Switch Chip Boot Status
monitoring, index iconI4 Switch Chip Port Parameters and Status
disabling, index iconDisable a Switch Chip Port
enabling, index iconEnable a Switch Chip Port
between shells, index iconSwitching Between the Oracle ILOM Shell and the Linux Shell
Linux to Oracle ILOM, index iconSwitch From the Linux Shell to the Oracle ILOM Shell
Oracle ILOM to Linux, index iconSwitch From the Oracle ILOM Shell to the Linux Shell
symbol errors, index iconDetermine Which Links Are Experiencing Significant Errors
alarm state, index iconDisplay the General Alarm State of Systems and Components
alarm targets, index iconSystem Alarm Targets
determining alarm state, index iconDetermining the Alarm State of a Component or System