Oracle VTS 8.1.0 Software User's Guide

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Updated: June 2016

Display and Set Global Options (CLI)

  1. Type:
    ./vts_cmd get_global_options

    The global options that apply to all the tests are displayed. The parameters for the global options includes:

    • Duration of testing (in minutes)

    • Verbose option (enabled or disabled)

    • Duration of logging (in minutes)

    • Safe testing option (enabled or disabled)

  2. Specify a value for each parameter:
    ./vts_cmd set_global_options [Duration of Testing:<numeric value>,Verbose:<Enable or Disable>, Duration of Logging:<numeric value>, Safe Testing:<Enable or Disable>]

    You can determine the values from the options listed by the get_global_options command, as per testing requirements. A confirmation message with the word DONE in it verifies that the operation was successful.

    Note - If the operation fails (for example, an error due to format or a misspelled word), the following error string is displayed along with the usage help. Usage: ???vts_cmd set_global_options [Duration of Testing:<0-99999>,Verbose:Enable/Disable,Duration of Logging:<0-99999>,Safe Testing:Enable/Disable]'

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