Oracle VTS 8.1.0 Software User's Guide

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Updated: June 2016

Choose Auto, Internal, External, or Back-to-Back Loopback

  1. Follow the steps described in Change Individual Test Options (CLI) to reach the Network Test Options.

    The Network Test Options menu is displayed.

  2. Use the arrow keys to select the Network Test Options menu and press Return.
  3. Use the arrow keys to highlight the Device Options menu and press Return.
  4. Select a target, for example e1000g1, and press Return

    The Loopback Option menu is displayed.

  5. Press Return to select the Auto, Internal, External, or Back-to-Back Loopback options.
  6. Select Apply to save the loopback option.
  7. Select Apply to save the Network Test Options.

    Else, press Esc to return back to the Network Test Options screen.

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