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Oracle® ILOM User's Guide for System Monitoring and Diagnostics Firmware Release 4.0.x

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Updated: September 2018

Run x86 HWdiag Tool (CLI)

  1. At the Oracle ILOM CLI prompt, access the ILOM Diag shell, type:

    start /SP/diag/shell

    Are you sure you want to start /SP/diag/shell (y/n)? y

  2. At the diag> prompt, type the following command:

    diag> hwdiag parameters

    HWdiag commands use the form hwdiag main_command [subcommand ...].

    For a list of supported HWdiag commands and options, view the HWdiag online help or refer to "Oracle ILOM Diagnostics" in the Oracle x86 Servers Diagnostics and Troubleshooting Guide With Oracle ILOM 4.0.

  3. Choose any of the following ways to display help for hwdiag:
    • Type help hwdiag to display an overview of hwdiag options and main commands.

    • Type help hwdiag -h to display all hwdiag commands and their subcommands.

    • Type help hwdiag -h -v to display command structure with all options available by command.

    • Type help hwdiag -h [command name] to display help for a specific command.

  4. Choose to use any of the following commands listed in the hwdiagcommand reference below:
    • help – Display the external commands available in the diag shell.

    • echo – Display information, for example, echo $?.

    • exit – Exit the diag shell.

    • hwdiag – Run hardware diagnostics.

    • ls – List the diagnostics log directories and files.

    • cat – Print the content of the diagnostics log files.