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Oracle® ILOM User's Guide for System Monitoring and Diagnostics Firmware Release 4.0.x

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Updated: September 2018

Power Allocation Plan Properties per Managed Device

Table 7  System Power Specification Properties (Power Allocation)
Power Metric Property (read-only)
Managed Device
Power Supply Maximum
(/SP|CMM/powermgmt available_power)
x86 SP
The Power Supply Maximum property value, shown in Oracle ILOM interfaces, represents the maximum input power wattage that the power supplies are capable of drawing from the power outlets.
Redundant Power
(/CMM/powermgmt redundant_power)
The Redundant Power property value, shown in Oracle ILOM interfaces, represents the available power wattage currently not allocated to the blade chassis power supplies.

Note - The power wattage for the redundant power property is configurable through the CMM Power Supply Redundancy Policy. For further details, refer to Set CMM Power Supply Redundancy Policy in Oracle ILOM Administrator’s Guide for Configuration and Maintenance Firmware Release 4.0.x.

Installed Hardware Minimum
Blade SP
The Installed Hardware Minimum property value, shown in Oracle ILOM web interface, represents the minimum input power wattage consumed by the hardware components installed on the server.
Peak Permitted
(/SP|CMM/powermgmt permitted_power)
x86 SP
The Peak Permitted property value, shown in Oracle ILOM interfaces, represents the maximum power wattage consumption guaranteed to the managed device. For instance:
  • For Oracle x86 and SPARC servers, the Peak Permitted property represents the maximum input power wattage that the server can consume at any instant.

  • For Oracle CMMs, the Peak Permitted property represents the maximum input power wattage a blade server can consume at any instant.

Important monitoring considerations:
  • Not all x86 server SPs support the property for Target Limit in the Oracle ILOM interfaces. In these instances, the same property value (wattage) shown for Peak Permitted is derived by the power consuming hardware components installed on the managed server.

  • For an Oracle server SP, Oracle ILOM derives the wattage value shown for Peak Permitted from the property values shown for Allocated Power and Target Limit. If the Target Limit property is not supported, Oracle ILOM derives the Peak Permitted property value from the power consuming hardware components installed on the managed server.

Allocated Power
(/SP|CMM/powermgmt allocated_power)
x86 SP
The Allocated Power property value, shown in Oracle ILOM interfaces, represents the maximum input power wattage allocated to a managed device. For example:
  • For an Oracle rackmounted server, the Allocated Power property value represents the total sum of the maximum power allocated to all installed chassis components and hot-pluggable components configured on the rackmount server.

  • For an Oracle blade chassis, the Allocated Power property value represents: 1) the maximum power wattage that is allocated to all installed chassis components, and 2) the maximum power wattage granted to all chassis server blades.

Target Limit
(/SP/powermgmt/budget powerlimit)
x86 SP
The Target Limit property value, shown in Oracle ILOM interfaces, displays the power limit value (wattage or percentage) configured on the server.
Important power monitoring considerations:
  • Oracle ILOM uses the set power limit value to determine the power budgeting parameters allowed for a server.

  • When a power limit is not configured in Oracle ILOM, the read-only Target Limit property value Not Configured appears in the Power Allocation Plan.

  • Not all x86 server SPs support a Target Limit property in the Oracle ILOM interfaces. When a Target Limit property is not supported, Oracle ILOM will determine the Peak Permitted wattage value based on the power consuming hardware components installed on the managed server.

Table 8  Per Component Power Map Properties (SP Power Allocation)
Power Metric Property (read-only)
Managed Device
Allocated Power
(/SP/powermgmt allocated_power)
x86 SP
The Allocated Power property value, shown in Oracle ILOM SP interfaces, represents the total sum of power wattage allocated to either: 1) a server component category (CPUs), or 2) an individual component installed on the server (MB_P0).
Can be capped
x86 SP
A Yes or No property value, per server component, appears in the Oracle ILOM SP web interface to indicate whether a power budget limit can be set for that server component.

Note - If power budgeting (Target Limit property) is not supported by the server, the “Can be capped” property will not appear in the Power Management Allocation Plan.

Table 9  Blade Slot Power Summary (CMM Power Allocation)
Power Metric Property (read-only)
Managed Device
Grantable Power
(/CMM/powermgmt grantable_power)
CMM blade slot
The Grantable Power property value, shown in Oracle ILOM CMM interfaces, represents the total sum of remaining power wattage that the CMM can allocate to the Oracle blade chassis slots without exceeding the grant limit.
Unfilled Grant Requests
CMM blade slot
The Unfilled Grant Requests property value, shown in the Oracle ILOM CMM web interface, represents the total sum of ungranted power wattage that the CMM has been requested to grant to the chassis blade slots.
Table 10  Blade Power Grants (CMM Power Allocation)
Power Metric Property
Managed Device
Grant Limit
(/CMM/powermgmt/powerconf/bladeslots/BLn grant_limit)
CMM blade slot
The user-defined Grant Limit property value, shown in Oracle ILOM CMM interfaces, represents the maximum sum of power wattage the CMM can grant to a blade slot.
Required Power
(/CMM/powermgmt/advanced/n value)
CMM blade slot
The read-only Required Power property value, shown in Oracle ILOM CMM interfaces, represents the maximum sum of power wattage required for either: 1) all blade slots, or 2) an individual blade slot.
Granted Power
(/CMM/powermgmt/powerconf/bladeslots granted_power
/CMM/powermgmt/powerconf/bladeslots/BLn granted_power)
CMM blade slot
The read-only Granted Power property value, shown in the Oracle ILOM CMM interfaces, represents the maximum sum of power wattage the CMM has granted to either: 1) all blade slots requesting power, or 2) an individual blade slot requesting power.
Table 11  Chassis Component Properties (CMM only)
Power Metric Property (read-only)
Managed Device
Allocated Power
(/CMM/powermgmt/powerconf/component_type/component_name allocated_power)
CMM component
The read-only Allocated Power property value, shown in Oracle ILOM CMM interfaces, represents the total sum of power wattage allocated to either: 1) an Oracle blade chassis category (fans), or 2) an individual chassis component installed (fan0).

Note - If the Oracle blade chassis configuration supports I/O blade servers, Oracle ILOM will also display the maximum sum of power wattage reserved for all I/O blade servers.