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Oracle® ILOM User's Guide for System Monitoring and Diagnostics Firmware Release 4.0.x

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Updated: September 2018

Navigating to Targets and Listing Their Properties and Supported Commands

Use the following commands to navigate the Oracle ILOM command-line interface (CLI) namespace:

  • help targets – List all available targets in the CLI namespace for your system with a brief description.

  • cd – Navigate the namespace hierarchy.

    For example, to navigate to the services target under /SP, type:

    cd /SP/services

  • show (or ls) – List the targets immediately under a higher-level target and the commands that can be used with that target.

    For example, to list information about the /SP/services target, type:

    -> cd /SP/services
    -> show

    Note -  You can issue commands from anywhere in the CLI hierarchy as long as you use a fully qualified path and the command is supported by the intended target. In the previous example, you could have entered show /SP/services to yield the same result.

    In the previous example, the show command output showed properties and commands in a simple list; however, the show command might display properties and commands in a tabular output. For example:

    -> show -o table SP/services/http
    Target               | Property               | Value 
    /SP/services/http    | port                   | 80 
    /SP/services/http    | secureredirect         | enabled 
    /SP/services/http    | servicestate           | disabled 
    /SP/services/http    | sessiontimeout         | 15 
  • help – Display properties, possible property values, and role requirements for setting configurable properties for a given target.

    Note -  Not all targets have configurable properties. Some are read only.

    For example, to obtain help information about the http target, which is used to configure the Oracle ILOM internal web server for HTTP access, type:

    -> help /SP/services/http 
    /SP/services/http : HTTP service
          port : Port number for http service
          port : User role required for set = a
          secureredirect : HTTP secure redirect
          secureredirect : Possible values = enabled, disabled
          secureredirect : User role required for set = a
          servicestate : HTTP service state
          servicestate : Possible values = enabled, disabled
          servicestate : User role required for set = a
          sessiontimeout : Timeout in minutes for http session
          sessiontimeout : Possible values = Range: 1-720 minutes
     sessiontimeout : User role required for set = a

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