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Oracle® ILOM Administrator's Guide for Configuration and Maintenance Firmware Release 4.0.x

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Updated: July 2020

Set CMM Blade Slot Grant Limit Property

Before You Begin

  • Oracle ILOM CMM firmware version 3.1.1 or later is required.

  • The Admin (a) role is required in Oracle ILOM to modify the Blade Slot Grant limit property.

  • The Blade Slot Grant Limit property controls the amount of power the CMM will permit a CPU blade server to consume. By default, the Blade Slot Grant Limit is set to 1200 watts (maximum blade slot power limit).

    System administrators can choose to accept the default blade slot grant limit (1200 watts) or modify it. However, the grant limit property must not be set less than the blade slot power wattage already granted by the CMM (granted power). Setting the Blade Slot Grant Limit to 0 prevents the installed CPU blade server from powering-on.

    Note - The Blade Slot Grant Limit is ignored by installed storage blade servers. The storage blade servers are auto-powered.

This procedure provides both web and CLI CMM instructions.

  • To set the CMM blade slot grant limit property, perform one of the following Oracle ILOM interface procedures:
    Oracle ILOM Interface
    Set CMM Blade Slot Grant Limit Procedure
    1. Click Power Management > Allocation.

    2. In the Power Grants table, click the radio button adjacent to a CPU blade server, then click Edit.

      Note. Storage blade servers appear in the table as “Ignored Auto-Powered blade.” The Blade Slot Grant Limit property is ignored for storage blade servers.

    3. In the Edit dialog, enable one of the following Blade Slot Grant Limit options:

      Slot Maximum (default,1200 watts) – When enabled, the CMM can grant up to 1200 watts of power to the requesting CPU blade server.

      - or -

      Custom - When enabled, type a number for the permitted power wattage that the CMM can grant to a requesting CPU blade server. The power wattage number must not be less then the power wattage number already granted to the blade slot by the CMM (granted power). Setting the power wattage to 0 will prevent the installed CPU blade server from powering-on.

    4. Click Save to apply the changes.

    • Type:

      set /CMM/powermgmt/powerconf/bladeslots/BLn grant_limit=watts


      n – Type the blade slot number of an installed CPU blade server.

      watts – Type a number for the permitted power wattage that the CMM can grant to a requesting CPU blade server. The power wattage number must not be less then the power wattage number already granted to the blade slot by the CMM (granted power). Setting the power wattage to 0 will prevent the installed CPU blade server from powering-on.

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