6.4 Configuring Yum for Oracle Ksplice

To install the Ksplice Enhanced Client, and obtain the updates and patches for your environment, you need to configure Yum through Oracle VM Manager to enable access to the appropriate server update repositories. Provided you use the global server update settings, all discovered Oracle VM Servers take over the Yum repository configuration defined through the Oracle VM Manager.

The instructions in this section are based on the Oracle VM Manager Command Line Interface. For background information, usage instructions, and the command reference, consult the Oracle VM Manager Command Line Interface User's Guide.

Set up the server update repositories in Oracle VM Manager as follows:

  1. Log in to the Oracle VM Manager Command Line Interface.

    $ ssh -l admin ovmmgr.example.com -p 10000
    admin@ovmmgr.example.com's password: 
  2. Verify that you are running Oracle VM Manager release 3.4.5 (build 1919) or newer.

    OVM> showversion
  3. Discover any Oracle VM Servers that have not yet been discovered with which you intend to use Ksplice, and take ownership of them.

    The example shows the CLI command and output using ovmsvr01. Execute this command for each of your servers, using either the fully qualified domain name or IP address.


    The password parameter is the Oracle VM Agent password on the Oracle VM Server in question. It is a required parameter for the discoverServer command.

    OVM> discoverServer ipAddress=ovmsvr01.example.com password=******** takeOwnership=yes
    Command: discoverServer ipAddress=ovmsvr01.example.com password=***** takeOwnership=yes
    Status: Success
    Time: 2018-06-03 19:46:20,633 PDT
    JobId: 1528080367491
  4. Add these server update repositories to the Yum configuration:

    • uln_mirror_ovm34_x86_64_latest

    • uln_mirror_ovm34_x86_64_ksplice

    • uln_mirror_ol6_x86_64_ksplice


    For the create serverupdaterepository command, the following parameters are required:

    • the package signature key (GPG key)

    • the path to they GPG key file

    • the Yum repository URL

    OVM> create serverupdaterepository repositoryname=uln_mirror_ovm34_x86_64_latest enabled=yes pkgsignaturetype=GPG \
    pkgsignaturekey=file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY name=uln_mirror_ovm34_x86_64_latest \
    url=http://ulnmirror.example.com/yum/OracleVM/OVM34/latest/$basearch/ \
    on serverupdategroup name=GlobalX86ServerUpdateConfiguration
    Command: create serverupdaterepository repositoryname=uln_mirror_ovm34_x86_64_latest enabled=yes [...]
    Status: Success
    Time: 2018-06-03 19:47:43,093 PDT
    JobId: 1528080450197
      id:0004fb0000310000e12a4dfe28933022  name:uln_mirror_ovm34_x86_64_latest
    OVM> create serverupdaterepository repositoryname=uln_mirror_ovm34_x86_64_ksplice enabled=yes pkgsignaturetype=GPG \
    pkgsignaturekey=file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY name=uln_mirror_ovm34_x86_64_ksplice \
    url=http://ulnmirror.example.com/yum/OracleVM/OVM34/ksplice/$basearch/ \
    on serverupdategroup name=GlobalX86ServerUpdateConfiguration
    Command: create serverupdaterepository repositoryname=uln_mirror_ovm34_x86_64_ksplice enabled=yes [...]
    Status: Success
    Time: 2018-06-03 19:47:52,880 PDT
    JobId: 1528080465622
      id:0004fb0000310000f522e7d0ee1911dc  name:uln_mirror_ovm34_x86_64_ksplice
    OVM> create serverupdaterepository repositoryname=uln_mirror_ol6_x86_64_ksplice enabled=yes pkgsignaturetype=GPG \
    pkgsignaturekey=file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY name=uln_mirror_ol6_x86_64_ksplice \
    url=http://ulnmirror.example.com/yum/OracleLinux/OL6/ksplice/x86_64/ \
    on serverupdategroup name=GlobalX86ServerUpdateConfiguration
    Command: create serverupdaterepository repositoryname=uln_mirror_ol6_x86_64_ksplice enabled=yes [...]
    Status: Success
    Time: 2018-06-13 23:36:54,637 PDT
    JobId: 1528958205006
      id:0004fb00003100003c4d3d4c252ee126  name:uln_mirror_ol6_x86_64_ksplice
  5. Verify the Yum repository configuration on the Oracle VM Servers.

    1. Log in to the server.

    2. From the Oracle Linux command line, check the content of the directory /etc/yum.repos.d.

      # cat /etc/yum.repos.d/ovm.repo
      gpgkey = file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY
      gpgcheck = 1
      baseurl = http://ulnmirror.example.com/yum/OracleVM/OVM34/latest/$basearch/
      name = uln_mirror_ovm34_x86_64_latest
      enabled = 1
      gpgkey = file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY
      gpgcheck = 1
      baseurl = http://ulnmirror.example.com/yum/OracleVM/OVM34/ksplice/$basearch/
      name = uln_mirror_ovm34_x86_64_ksplice
      enabled = 1
      gpgkey = file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY
      gpgcheck = 1
      baseurl = http://ulnmirror.example.com/yum/OracleLinux/OL6/ksplice/x86_64/
      name = uln_mirror_ol6_x86_64_ksplice
      enabled = 1
    3. Run this check on all Oracle VM Servers with which you intend to use Ksplice.