Chapter 6 Updating Oracle VM Server with Oracle Ksplice

Oracle VM Premier Support customers can use Oracle Ksplice to update Oracle VM Server with kernel, Xen, and user space patches. Oracle Ksplice allows you to apply security updates and bug fixes for your systems' kernel, the hypervisor, and certain user space libraries without having to schedule downtime and reboot machines.

Ksplice is freely available for Oracle customers who subscribe to Oracle Linux Premier Support, and to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure services. If you are an Oracle Linux Basic, Basic Limited, or Network Support subscriber, contact your sales representatives to discuss a potential upgrade of your subscription to a Premier Support plan.

Regular updates to the Oracle VM Servers are performed through Oracle VM Manager. However, the execution of Ksplice operations has not been integrated into Oracle VM Manager. Part of the Ksplice setup, such as configuring Server Update Repositories, does occur through Oracle VM Manager. Please review and understand the steps below before proceeding.

This chapter explains how to access the appropriate channels on ULN (Unbreakable Linux Network), set up the Ksplice client, and install Ksplice updates and patches on your Oracle VM Servers.