Business Process Automation

Sell Shipment Agent Actions

This page is accessed via Business Process Automation > Agents and Milestones > Automation Agent.

If you select SELL SIDE SHIPMENT in the Agent Type field and do not select anything in the Data Type Association field, the agent actions listed here are available.

To use agent actions from other agent types (business objects), select the appropriate data type association. By selecting a data type association, an automation agent of one agent type (business object) can run related agent actions of a different agent type (business object). For example, an automation agent with a shipment agent type can run agent actions available for the order release agent type. To do this, select a data type association of SHIPMENT TO ORDER RELEASE. See the actions topic for more details.



Add Transactional Interest

This is a utility agent action. See Add Transactional Interest.

Ad Hoc Notify Contact

This is a utility agent action. See Ad Hoc Notify Contact.

Allocation Shipment - Sell Side Shipment

See the Allocate Cost action.

Apply Payment Terms

See the Apply Payment Terms action.

This agent action will execute the logic to apply payment terms to the shipment costs.

Assign Order General Ledger Codes

This is a utility agent action. See Assign Order General Ledger Codes.

Assign Rate

See the Assign Rate action.

You can also use the Recalc Shipment agent action if you want to recalculate shipment cost based on the current rate offering/record assignment.

Assign Sell Shipment Tracking Location

See Assign/Unassign Shipment Tracking Location.

Assign Service Provider Cost

Allows the service provider cost for the shipment to be changed at the same time as the service provider. Agent variable functionality can be used for the service provider.

Assign Shipment General Ledger Codes

This is a utility agent action. See Assign Shipment General Ledger Codes.

Assign Variable

This is a utility agent action. See Assign Variable.

Bill Adjusted Costs

See the Bill Adjusted Costs action.


Invoice/Bill Rule ID

Match Rule

Book with Internal NVOCC

See the Book with Internal NVOC > Direct action.

Build Buy Shipment from Sell

See the Build Buy Side Shipment action.

Build Secondary Charge Shipments

See the Build Secondary Charge Shipments action.


Quantity Type (valid values are All, Planned, Picked Up, and Received)

Build Trade Transaction

See Build Trade Transaction topic.


Consider secondary charge shipments of a primary shipment

Consider handling charge shipments of a primary shipment

Call Service

This is a utility agent action. See Call Service.

Change Service Provider

See the Change Service Provider action.


Service Provider

Close Accruals

See the Close Accruals action.

Copy Flexfields To

This is a utility agent action. See Copy Flexfields To.

Copy Involved Parties from Sell Side Shipment

This is a utility agent action. See Copy Involved Parties from <object>.

Copy Involved Parties to Sell Side Shipment

This is a utility agent action. See Copy Involved Parties to <object>.

Copy Master Booking Data - Sell Shipment

This agent action copies master booking data from a primary sell shipment to its corresponding primary buy shipment.

Copy Planned Stop Times to Actual

This agent action copies the planned arrival/departure stop time to the actual arrival/departure stop times for the stop selected.


Stops: You can configure the agent action to run on first, last or all shipments.

Copy Reference Number

This agent action copies the reference number of one shipment to all shipments that belong to the same shipment group. This agent action can help propagate specific reference numbers from one shipment to the next. For example, you may have a multi-modal move such as truck-ocean-truck involving different service providers. As each shipment is tendered and accepted and reference numbers recorded, you may want each related shipment to have the appropriate reference numbers from its predecessor shipment.

You can use this agent action with any event, although See Side Shipment Tender - Accepted is a typical use-case example.


Shipment Reference Number Qualifier

Note: Only use this agent action for shipment groups. To copy a reference number from one Oracle Transportation Management object to another, you can use the Copy Refnum from <object> or Copy Refnum to <object> agent actions.

Copy Refnums from Sell Side Shipment

Copies reference numbers from a sell shipment to a bill.


Associated Object

From Refnum Qualifier

To Refnum Qualifier

Copy Stop Refnums from Sell Shipment to Shipment

Copies the stop detail reference numbers from the sell shipment to the buy shipment.


Associated Object

Refnum Qualifier

Create Bill - Sell Side Shipment

See the Generate Bill action.

Create Job - Sell Shipment

See the Create Job action.


Consolidation Type

Create Stop

Creates a non-freight-related shipment stop with location information on the tracking event, before or after the current stop.


Force (see Force Insert/Remove Non-Freight Related Stop)

Delete Related Bills

This agent action removes all deletable bills associated with the current sell-side shipment. Issued bills are skipped.

Direct SQL Update

This is a utility agent action. See Direct SQL Update.

Dont Persist

This is a utility agent action. See Dont Persist.


This is a utility agent action. See Else.


This is a utility agent action. See Elseif.


This is a utility agent action. See Endfor.


This is a utility agent action. See Endif.


This is a utility agent action. See Endlock.

Estimate Distance

This is a utility agent action. See Estimate Distance.


This is a utility agent action. See For.

For Each

This is a utility agent action. See For Each.

Generate Invoice

See Generate Invoice.


Invoice/Bill Rule ID

Match Rule

Generate Refnum

This is a utility agent action. See Generate Refnum.


This is a utility agent action. See If.


This is a utility agent action. See Lock.


This is a utility agent action. See Log.

Log to Transmission Report

This is a utility agent action. See Log to Transmission Report.

Map Temp Release Ref

This agent action tries to map the temporary references from the shipment to the order release.

Move Shipment to Reviewed State

See the Move Shipment to Reviewed State action.

Notify Contact

This is a utility agent action. See Notify Contact.

Notify Involved Party

This is a utility agent action. See Notify Involved Party.

Perform Recharge

This agent action will retrieve the list of order releases that require recharge (using a saved query identified by SavedQuery GID). For each order release, a sell shipment will be created for recharging. RechargeStatusType status will be set to RechargeCompleteValue.

Note: A recharge is an internal charge-back from one division of a company to another.


SavedQueryGid: Saved query gid.

BillFromMethod: char (null, 'I', 'S').

BillToMethod: char (null, 'O').


This is a utility agent action. See Persist.

Prepare Document

This is a utility agent action. See Prepare Document.

Prepare Report

This is a utility agent action. See Prepare Report.

Print Document

This is a utility agent action. See Print Document.

Propagate Changes to Trade Transaction

See Propagate Changes to Trade Transaction topic.


Consider related shipments of a shipment

Queue Event

This is a utility agent action. See Queue Event.

Raise Error

This is a utility agent action. See Raise Error.

Raise Event

This is a utility agent action. See Raise Event.

Raise Internal Event

This is a utility agent action. See Raise Internal Event.

Raise Order on Shipment Events

Raises the following events for order releases on a shipment that are affected.


For example, if a delayed event is received for stop 2, then involved parties for stop 2, 3, 4,...  are notified that their orders have been delayed.

Subscribe involved parties to this event in the Contact Notification manager.

Recalc Estimated Stop Times

This agent action defines how late a shipment can arrive at a stop without the agent having to recalculate arrival times for the remaining stops.

If the event is an estimate (determined by the event groups attribute i.e. ESTIMATE_OR_ACTUAL = E) then:
  1. Check to see if the shipment allows changing the estimated date/time. Oracle Transportation Management can only redrive shipments whose status is not SECURE RESOURCES_NOT STARTED. (If okay, go to the next step.)
  2. If redrive is not marked (or the shipment does not have a valid rate offering or a valid rate record), update the estimated time on the shipment, with the date, specified on the event, for the stop specified on the event.   
  3. If redrive is marked (and the shipment has a valid rate offering and rate record), update the estimated date/times on the remaining stops on the shipment by rebuilding the shipment stops using planning logic. Non-working days are not considering when updating date/times.
  4. If the shipment has been redriven, determine if the shipment is feasible or not.  If it is infeasible, the event group attribute IS_INFEASIBLE= Y is updated (in memory only).

    If the event is an actual (determined by the tracking event groups attribute i.e. ESTIMATE_OR_ACTUAL = A) then:
    1. Determine if the shipment is late by comparing the stop's planned date + the late threshold parameter (specified on the action) with the actual date specified on the event. If the actual date is greater than planned + threshold date, then the shipment is deemed late and RECALC ESTIMATED STOP TIMES adds the event group attribute IS_LATE = Y (in memory only).

      Note: whether to use the stops planned arrival or planned departure date is determined by the event group attribute ARRIVAL_OR_DEPARTURE.
    2. Check to see if the shipment allows changing the actual stop date. RECALC ESTIMATED STOP TIMES can only redrive shipments whose status is not SECURE RESOURCES_NOT STARTED. (If OK, go to next step.)
    3. If Redrive is not checked (or the shipment does not have a valid rate offering or a valid rate record), update the actual stop time on the shipment, with the date, specified on the event, for the stop specified on the event.   
    4. If Redrive is checked (and the shipment has a valid rate offering and rate record), update the estimated date/times on the remaining stops on the shipment by rebuilding the shipment stops using planning logic. Non-working days are not considering when updating date/times.
    5. If the shipment has been redriven, determine if the shipment is feasible or not. If it is infeasible, the event group attribute IS_INFEASIBLE= Y is updated (in memory only).

Note: This agent action is used in the Sell Shipment Event Tracker agent to control recalculation of stop times after events are recorded. The parameters only appear when you edit this public agent.


Late Threshold: Set how late the shipment can be before redriving.

Redrive: Redrive the shipment to calculate new stop times or not.

Number of Downstream Shipments: The number of downstream shipments that will be looked at by the redrive logic. By default, this parameter is empty, which will redrive all downstream shipments. The valid values are 0-99. This parameter is optional, and is only applicable when the Redrive parameter is selected.

Recalc Estimated Stop Times - Positions

This agent action defines how late a shipment can arrive at a stop without the agent having to recalculate arrival times for the remaining stops.

If the event is an estimate (determined by the tracking event groups attribute i.e. ESTIMATE_OR_ACTUAL = E) then:

  1. Check to see if the shipment allows changing the Estimate Date. Oracle Transportation Management can only redrive shipments whose status is not SECURE RESOURCES_NOT STARTED. (If OK, go to the next step.)
  2. If redrive is not marked (or the shipment does not have a valid rate offering or a valid rate record), update the estimated time on the shipment, with the date, specified on the event, for the position specified on the event.
  3. If redrive is marked (and the shipment has a valid rate offering and rate record), update the estimated date/times on the remaining stops on the shipment by rebuilding the shipment stops using planning logic. The planning logic uses the Position as the starting point during redrive. Non-working days are not considering when updating date/times.
  4. If the shipment has been redriven, determine if the shipment is feasible or not.  If it is infeasible, the event group attribute IS_INFEASIBLE= Y is updated (in memory only).

    If the event is an actual (determined by the tracking event groups attribute i.e. ESTIMATE_OR_ACTUAL = A) then:
    1. Determine if the shipment is late by comparing the stop's planned date + the late threshold parameter (specified on the action) with the actual date specified on the event. If the actual date is greater than planned + threshold date, then the shipment is deemed late and RECALC ESTIMATED STOP TIMES adds the event group attribute IS_LATE = Y (in memory only).

      Note: whether to use the stops planned arrival or planned departure date is determined by the event group attribute ARRIVAL_OR_DEPARTURE.
    2. Check to see if the shipment allows changing the actual stop date. RECALC ESTIMATED STOP TIMES can only redrive shipments whose status is not SECURE RESOURCES_NOT STARTED. (If OK, go to next step.)
    3. If redrive is not checked (or the shipment does not have a valid rate offering or a valid rate record), update the actual stop time on the shipment, with the date, specified on the event, for the position specified on the event.
    4. If redrive is checked (and the shipment has a valid rate offering and rate record), update the estimated date/times on the remaining stops on the shipment by rebuilding the shipment stops using planning logic. The planning logic uses the Position as the starting point during redrive. Non-working days are not considering when updating date/times.
    5. If the shipment has been redriven, determine if the shipment is feasible or not. If it is infeasible, the event group attribute IS_INFEASIBLE= Y is updated (in memory only).

Note: This agent action is used in the Sell Shipment Event Tracker agent to control recalculation of stop times after events are recorded. The parameters only appear when you edit this public agent.


Late Threshold: Set how late the shipment can be before redriving.

Redrive: Redrive the shipment to calculate new stop times or not.

Number of Downstream Shipments: The number of downstream shipments that will be looked at by the redrive logic. By default, this parameter is empty, which will redrive all downstream shipments. The valid values are 0-99. This parameter is optional, and is only applicable when the Redrive parameter is selected.

Recalc Shipment

See the Recalculate Shipment Cost and Assign Rate actions.

Remove from Trade Transaction

See Remove from Trade Transaction topic.


Remove Related Shipments from Transaction for all Primary Shipments

Record Shipment for Tiered Rating

See the Record Shipment for Tiered Rating action.


Recalculate Cost

Remove Stop

Removes a non-freight-related shipment stop on the tracking event, before or after the current stop.


Force (see Force Insert/Remove Non-Freight Related Stop)

Remove Tiered Rating Record

See the Remove Shipment Tiered Rating Record action.


Recalculate Cost

Remove Transactional Interest

This is a utility agent action. See Remove Transactional Interest.

Review Conditionally Accepted Shipment

This agent action selects the most recent tender collaboration record of the shipment with a status of TENDER.SECURE RESOURCES_CONDITIONALLY_ACCEPTED. For all changed fields, it will evaluate the change by calling planning logic or using a saved condition/query. After the evaluation, it will publish the workflow topic ConditionalBookingProcessRequest. Two cases can be used as boundary conditions on this agent action. They are Accept All Changes and Reject All Changes.

Roll Back Sighting

See the Roll Back Sighting action.

Schedule Event

This is a utility agent action. See Schedule Event.

Sell Side Accept Tender

See the Accept Tender action.


Service Provider: The ID of the Service Provider on whose behalf the agent action is accepting the tender.

Sell Side Approve for Execution

See the Approve for Execution action.

Sell Side Decline Tender

See the Decline Tender action.


Service Provider

Retender: Indicates whether to re-tender the shipment to the specified service provider.

Sell Side Modify Tender

See Modify Tender action.

Sell Side Re-Transmit Tender

See the Re-Transmit Tender action.

Sell Side Secure Resources

See the Secure Resources action.

Sell Side Tender Shipment

See the Tender Shipment action.

Sell Side Withdraw Tender

See the Withdraw Tender action.


Retender: Select to re-tender the shipment to the next compatible service provider.

Send Allocation

This is a utility agent action. See Send Allocation.

Send Document Sets

This agent action follows the same logic as the web action Send Documents with the option of sending document sets.

The agent action  will check if  the given document sets are assigned to the business object. If not, the agent action fails and will not send the document sets to the user.
Also, if any document set is not provided in the agent action, it fails.


Document Set

Send Financials Feed

See Financial System Feed Interface and Send Integration.


Notify Method

External System

Transaction Code

Reference Object Transaction Code


Send ID Only

Send Integration

This is a utility agent action. See Send Integration.

Send Sell Side Shipment Interface

Send Interface Transmission


Notify Method

Involved Party Qualifier: Contacts that are assigned to the Involved Party Qualifier should have an external system identified.

Send ID Only

Set Bill To - Sell Shipment

This agent action will set the shipment's BILL-TO involved party according to the associated order release's operating mode.  BillToSource GID identifies a refnum qualifier gid whose value will be set to either Mill or Sales Unit, depending on which was used to set the BILL-TO involved party.


Order Owner Release Involved Party Qualifier: Order release involved party qualifier ID.

Sales Unit Release Involved Party Qualifier: Order release involved party qualifier ID.

Op Mode Release Refnum Qualifier: Order release refnum qualifier ID.

Bill To Source Refnum Qualifier: Shipment refnum qualifier ID.

Set Exchange Rate

See the Set Exchange Rate action.


Exchange Rate ID

Set Related Objects

Saved Query

Set Indicator

This is a utility agent action. See Set Indicator.

Set Internal Status

This is a utility agent action. See Set Internal Status.

Set Status

This is a utility agent action. See Set Status.

Set User Defined Image

This is a utility agent action. See Set User Defined Image.

Shipment - Copy Shipment Refnums to Related Shipments

This agent action copies the shipment reference numbers to the related shipments. The reference numbers can be filtered by specifying a shipment reference number qualifier. You can filter the related shipments by the perspective (buy or sell).


Shipment Refnum Qualifier



This is a utility agent action. See Stop.

Unassign Sell Shipment Tracking Location

See Assign/Unassign Shipment Tracking Location.

Unload Sell Shipment from HD

This allows you to unload (soft delete) data from HD for data query type Sell Shipment. This agent action is intended for use with Transportation Intelligence. This is similar to the Unload Object from HD available via power data.

This agent action inserts the OBJ_GID and OBJ_TYPE into the DEL_OBJ_FROM_HD table with the following values:



This agent action must be configured with the Sell Side Shipment - Removed agent event.

Update Actual Commitment and Allocation

This agent action determines counts for actual commitments and allocations.

  • If it is a primary shipment, Oracle Transportation Management updates order centric allocation (Commitment Lane Object Type = ORDER). The logic gets the source and destination location from the order on shipment to construct X_LANE and query CAPACITY_COMMITMENT_ALLOC table. Loop through all allocations retrieved, update parent records. Finds child records from CAPACITY_COMMITMENT_ALLOC_D table, if service provider matches, updates child records.
  • Update shipment centric allocation (commitment_lane_object_type = SHIPMENT). The logic get the source and destination location from shipment, and construct x_lane. Loop through all records retrieved, updates them; find all child records from CAPACITY_COMMITMENT_ALLOC_D table, if service provider matches, update child records.
  • Query CAPACITY_COMMITMENT table with x-lane and capacity group, update individual statistics based on the flag: IS_COUNT_NUMBER_OF_SHIPMENTS, IS_COUNT_MILEAGE, IS_COUNT_WEIGHT, IS_COUNT_VOLUME, etc.

Update Appointment Times

This agent action is used in the public Sell Shipment Event Tracker agent to set/update appointment pickup/delivery dates/time on a shipment from sell shipment events.


Update Options

Update Sighting

Copies the values of the sighting location and the date to the previous sighting and date fields. Then it updated the sighting location and date with the location and date on the tracking event.

Update SKU Quantity - Sell Shipment

Update SKU quantity record using the quantities in the shipment. The default behavior of this agent action is to increment quantities for inbound transactions and decrement for outbound transactions. However for certain quantity types such as "In Transit" the opposite makes more sense. The check box, Decrement Quantity for Inbound Transaction, enables such reverse behavior.


Quantity Type

Link Type

Decrement Quantity for Inbound Transaction

Update Special Service

Updates or creates a special service on the indicated shipment.


Late Threshold


Number of Downstream Shipments

Adjustment Reason


Update Status for External Event

This is a utility agent action. See Update Status for External Event.

Version Sell Shipment Costs

See the Version Shipment Costs action.


Shipment Informational Cost Qualifier

Overwrite Most Recent Version


This is a utility agent action. See Wait.

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