Generate (Bill Segment)

Click the Generate button to create a new a bill segment.

This button is enabled when either of the following conditions is true:

  • You are in add mode (i.e., you are not displaying an existing bill segment) and you have selected an Account ID, Bill ID and Contract ID.
  • You are displaying a bill segment that is Incomplete, Error, or Freezable. Refer to Bill Segment Lifecycle for more information about these status values.

When clicked, the Generate window opens.

You must specify the following parameters to generate a new bill segment:

  • Cut-off Date is the last possible day of the bill segment's bill period. The current date defaults when the window opens. Refer to Ways To Control The End Date Of A Bill Segment for more information.
  • Accounting Date is used to define the financial period to which the new bill segment's financial transaction will be booked. The current date defaults when the window opens.
  • Turn on Allow Estimates if the system is allowed to estimate.
  • Billing Option controls how the system retrieves the charges on the bill. Select the Use Cut Off Date option if the charges exists on the cut-off date.

After specifying the above parameters, click the Calculate button to create a new bill segment for the bill.

If an error exists, refer to How To Correct A Bill Segment That's In Error.

If there are no errors, the Bill Segment Freeze Option on the installation option controls the next step:

  • If this option is set to Freeze At Bill Completion, return to Bill - Main (using the bill context menu) and click the Freeze / Complete button.
  • If this option is set to Freeze At Will, click the Freeze button and, if everything looks clean, return to Bill - Main and click the Complete button.