Bespoke Price List Creation during Deal Orchestration

Deal pricing management offers the feasibility to create a pricing model that is suitable to the customer requirements with accustomed price and volume combination, and thereby achieve the optimal revenue, cost, and profitability. You can simulate the deal multiple times until the best financial summary is achieved.

You can also use the same pricing for other customers by creating new deals using the deal template option. Here, the drawback is that you will have to create a new deal for each customer or account to reuse the same pricing. To overcome this cumbersome process, the system enables you to create a bespoke price list which contains the latest pricing from the deal. You can assign a bespoke price list to another customers or accounts without creating a deal for them.

While orchestrating a non-contracted deal, the system does the following:

  1. Ends the existing agreed or price list pricing of an entity which is overridden or edited in the deal

  2. Creates a bespoke price list with the new price assignments and assigns the bespoke price list to the respective entity

However, while orchestrating a contracted deal, the system does the following:

  1. Ends the existing agreed or price list pricing of an entity irrespective of whether it is changed or not

  2. Creates a bespoke price list with the new price assignments and assigns the bespoke price list to the respective entity

    Note: If the Variable Price flag for a price item is set to Yes, then the system does not create a bespoke pricing for the price item when there is no change in the rate offered for the price item in the deal.
Note: The system creates a separate bespoke price list for the entities at different levels in the customer hierarchy (i.e. for the customer, its account, child customer, and for the child customer's account).

You can opt to create an effective pricing or bespoke pricing for the customers and accounts during deal orchestration. Depending on the business requirements, you can set the Create Bespoke Price List during Orchestration option type of the C1-DEAL feature configuration. It indicates whether the system should create bespoke price lists or effective pricing for the customers and accounts during deal orchestration. The valid values are Y and N. This option type is not mandatory. If you do not set this option type, the system, by default, creates the effective pricing for the customers and accounts during deal orchestration.

If the Create Bespoke Price List during Orchestration option type is set to Y, you also need to set the Assignment Limit for Online Deal Orchestration option type in the C1-DEAL feature configuration. It is used to determine whether the bespoke price lists should be created and assigned to the customers and accounts in the online or deferred mode. Here, you must specify a value greater than or equal to zero. If the number of price assignments in the customer hierarchy does not exceed the specified limit, the system creates the bespoke price lists and assigns it to the customers and accounts immediately. However, if the number of price assignments in the customer hierarchy exceeds the specified limit, the system changes the status of the deal to Orchestration Deferred.

Note that in case of a contracted deal, the system considers all price assignments of the selected price items (including the selected price items from the assigned price lists) irrespective of whether it is changed or not; whereas in case of non-contracted deal, the system considers only those price assignments of the selected price items (including the selected price items from the assigned price lists) which are edited or overridden. Also, note that for both contracted and non-contracted deals, the system does not consider the price assignments without commitments while using the Assignment Limit for Online Deal Orchestration option type.

A new batch named C1_​ORCH is introduced in this release. On executing the C1_​ORCH batch, it monitors or checks whether there is any deal in the Orchestration Deferred status. If there is a deal in the Orchestration Deferred status, the system behaves in the following manner:

  • For a non-contracted deal, the system does the following:

    • Ends the existing agreed or price list pricing of an entity which is overridden or edited in the deal

    • Creates a bespoke price list with the new price assignments and assigns the bespoke price list to the respective entity

    • Copies a new proposed price list assignment and assigns the price list to the respective entity in the Active status

    • Copies a new proposed product enrollment and enrolls the respective account for the product in the Active status

  • For a contracted deal, the system does the following:

    • Ends the existing agreed or price list pricing of an entity irrespective of whether it is changed or not

    • Creates a bespoke price list with the new price assignments and assigns the bespoke price list to the respective entity.

      Note: If the Variable Price flag for a price item is set to Yes, then the system does not create a bespoke pricing for the price item when there is no change in the rate offered for the price item in the deal.
    • Copies a new proposed price list assignment and assigns the price list to the respective entity in the Active status

    • Copies a new proposed product enrollment and enrolls the respective account for the product in the Active status

The customer acceptance date is used as the start date while adding the bespoke price lists, price list assignments, price assignments, and product enrollments.

Once the above listed changes are made, the system changes the status of the deal to Fully Orchestrated. This batch is a multi-threaded batch. The multi-threading is based on deal ID and chunks for multi-threading are created based on numerical distribution of deal ID. For more information about the batch, refer to Oracle Revenue Management and Billing Batch Guide.

To implement this feature, a new status named Orchestration Deferred is introduced in the lifecycle of the C1-DEAL business object.

Two new algorithm spots are available while defining or editing a deal type:

  • Bespoke Price List Pre-Processing - Used to attach an algorithm which you want to execute before creating a bespoke price list for an entity during deal orchestration.

  • Bespoke Price List Post Processing - Used to attach an algorithm which you want to execute after creating a bespoke price list for an entity during deal orchestration.

While creating a bespoke price list from the user interface or through a batch process, the system sets the description of the bespoke price list to Bespoke_​<Deal_​Identifier>_​<Entity_​ID>. Also, the priority of the bespoke price list is always set to the highest compared to other price lists which are assigned to the entity. If the existing assigned price lists have the highest priority, the system sets the priority of the bespoke price list to the highest and decreases the priority of the existing assigned price lists by 1. For example, an entity has PL1 assigned with the priority 1 and PL2 assigned with the priority 2. Now, when the system assigns a bespoke price list to the entity, it will set the priority of the bespoke price list to 1 and decrease the priority of PL1 and PL2 by 1 (i.e. PL1 priority will be set to 2, and PL2 priority will be set to 3).

Note: The priority 1 is considered as the highest priority in ORMB.