Deal Type

A deal type helps the system to determine:

  • Whether the pricing for each price item should be approved in the deal

  • Whether the deal should be assigned to users for approval as per the limits defined in the deal approval profile

  • Whether the pricing and financial summary should be approved at the product level

  • Whether the pricing and financial summary should be approved at the division level

  • Whether the highest level approval in the approval hierarchy is required for the deal

  • Whether the existing pricing should be pre-approved in the deal

  • The questionnaire template using which you want to find references for creating a deal

  • The deal approval profile that should be used for a product level approval

  • The deal approval profile that should be used for a division level approval

  • The deal approval profile that should be used for the deal level approval based on the division, customer segment, and customer tier combination

The Deal Type screen allows you to define, view, edit, copy, and delete a deal type. It contains the following zones:

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How to define a deal type Defining a Deal Type
How to associate a deal approval profile with a deal type Associating a Deal Approval Profile with a Deal Type
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How to define a characteristic for a deal type Defining a Characteristic for a Deal Type
How to edit a deal type Editing a Deal Type
How to copy a deal type Copying a Deal Type
How to delete a deal type Deleting a Deal Type
How to view the details of a deal type Viewing the Details of a Deal Type

Parent topic: Deal Pricing Management