Copy the Price Item, Hierarchy Entity, and Terms and Conditions Selection from a Referred Deal

Now, the system copies the following when you opt to refer a deal using the Deal option from the Search By list of the Select Reference zone:

  • Hierarchy entity and price item selection from the referred deal

  • Terms and Conditions selection at the price item level from the referred deal

  • Terms and Conditions selection at the hierarchy entity level from the referred deal

  • Terms and Conditions selection at the deal level from the referred deal

  • Default and edited versions of the terms and conditions at the deal, price item, and hierarchy entity levels

  • Adhoc terms and conditions at the deal, price item, and hierarchy entity levels

For example, let us assume that the following hierarchy entities and price items are selected in the D1 deal:

Hierarchy Entity Level 1 Hierarchy Entity Level 2 Price Item Check Box Selected (Y or N)
HE01 - - Y
HE02 - Y
HE03 - Y
HE04 - N

Now, if you refer the D1 deal using the Deal option while creating the D2 deal, the system will copy all the hierarchy entities and price items with the above selections from the referred deal (i.e. D1).

Similarly, let us assume that the following terms and conditions are selected at different levels in the D1 deal:

Level Terms and Conditions Terms and Conditions Category Check Box Selected (Y or N)
Deal T1 Default Y
T2 Default N
T3 Overridden N
T4 Overridden Y
T5 Adhoc Y
T6 Adhoc Y
Price Item T4 Default Y
T5 Default N
T6 Overridden N
T7 Overridden Y
T8 Adhoc Y
T9 Adhoc N
Hierarchy Entity T10 Default Y
T11 Default N
T12 Overridden N
T13 Overridden Y
T14 Adhoc Y
T15 Adhoc N

Now, if you refer the D1 deal using the Deal option while creating the D2 deal, the system will copy all the default, overridden, and adhoc terms and conditions along with the selections from the referred deal (i.e. D1).