Terms and Conditions Grouping in a Deal Based on Characteristic Value

Oracle Revenue Management and Billing provides the ability to automatically group the terms and conditions at the deal, price item, and hierarchy entity levels based on their characteristic in the Terms and Conditions screen. Two new algorithm spots named Terms and Conditions Filter and Terms and Conditions Selection Validation are available while defining a deal type. A new algorithm type named C1-DEAL-TCFL is introduced in this release. This algorithm checks whether the grouping characteristic type specified in the parameter is defined on the deal, price item and hierarchy entity level terms and conditions. You need to create a characteristic type for terms and conditions grouping and define the group names as its predefined characteristic values.

While creating a deal, the system checks whether the C1-DEAL-TCFL algorithm is attached to the Terms and Conditions Filter system event in the respective deal type. If the C1-DEAL-TCFL algorithm is attached to the Terms and Conditions Filter system event in the respective deal type, the system checks whether the grouping characteristic type specified in the C1-DEAL-TCFL algorithm is defined for the deal, price item, and hierarchy entity level terms and conditions. If so, the system logically groups the terms and conditions at the deal, price item, and hierarchy entity levels based on the group name (i.e. based on the value defined for the grouping characteristic type). If the C1-DEAL-TCFL algorithm is not attached to the Terms and Conditions Filter system event in the respective deal type or if the grouping characteristic type is not specified in the C1-DEAL-TCFL algorithm, or if the grouping characteristic is not defined for a terms and conditions, the system does not group the terms and conditions under any head.

The following table explains the grouping logic with the help of an example:

Level Terms and Conditions Characteristic Value
Deal T1 G1
Deal T2 G2
Deal T3 G1
Deal T10 -
Deal T11 -
Price Item T4 G3
Price Item T5 G3
Price Item T6 G3
Hierarchy Entity T7 G4
Hierarchy Entity T8 G4
Hierarchy Entity T9 G4

In the above example, the system will group T1 and T3 under G1 and T2 under G2 at the deal level. Note that the system will not group T10 and T11 under any head at the deal level. Similarly, the system will group T4, T5, and T6 under G3 at the price item level and T7, T8, and T9 under G4 at the hierarchy entity level.