Adhoc Revenue and Cost

The Adhoc Revenue and Cost screen allows you to add, edit, or view the additional charges applicable for the deal while deal creation. It also allows you to add price item level adhoc charges for the deal. It contains the following fields in a grid:

Field Name Field Description
Sequence Used to specify the sequence number of the adhoc revenue or cost for the deal.
Currency Used to indicate the currency in which you want to specify the adhoc charge for the deal.
Note: The list includes only those currencies which are defined in the system.
Amount Used to specify the amount for the adhoc revenue or cost.
Note: You can also specify negative value in this field.
Division Used to indicate the division for which the adhoc charge is applicable.
Note: You can view only those divisions to which you have access in the Division list.
Price Item Used to indicate the price item for which you want to add the adhoc charge.

By default, this field is inactive. This field appears when the Price Item Level option is selected from the Revenue/Cost Type list.

The Search (The Search Icon) icon appears corresponding to the Price Item field. On clicking the Search icon, the Price Item Search window appears.

On indicating the price item, the description of the price item appears corresponding to the Price Item field.

Revenue/Cost Type Used to indicate the group to which the adhoc charge belong. The valid values are:
  • Adhoc Revenue

  • Courier Cost

  • Deal Commission

  • Price Item Level

  • Travel Cost

Note: The list includes only those values which are present in the REVENU_​COST_​GRP_​FLG lookup field.
Amount Type Used to indicate the type of amount using which you want to add an adhoc charge for the deal. The valid values are:
  • Cost

  • Revenue

Note: The list includes only those values which are present in the REV_​TYPE_​FLG lookup field.

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How to add an adhoc revenue or cost for a deal Adding Adhoc Revenue and Cost for a Deal

Parent topic: Deal Pricing Management