Deal Information

The Deal Information zone allows you to do the following:

  • View the details of the deal

  • Associate, disassociate, view, or edit the terms and conditions of the deal

  • View and add log entries for the deal or the deal version

  • View, delete, and add adhoc revenue charges for the deal or the deal version

  • View the deal financial summary

  • View the division financial summary

  • View the product financial summary

  • View the customer hierarchy

The Deal Information zone contains the following sections:

  • Deal Information

  • Deal Financial Summary

  • Division Financial Summary
    Note: The Division Financial Summary section appears in the Deal Information zone only when the Division Level Approval Required field is set to Yes in the deal type used for creating the deal.
  • Product Financial Summary
    Note: The Product Financial Summary section appears Deal Information zone only when the Product Level Approval Required field is set to Yes in the deal type used for creating the deal.

The Deal Information zone contains the following symbol legends:

Symbol Name Symbol Description
The Projected Symbol Indicates the revenue, cost, and profit generated from the proposed price item pricing and price assignments.
The Standard Symbol Indicates the revenue, cost, and profit generated from the standard price item pricing and price assignments.
The Original Symbol Indicates the revenue, cost, and profit generated from the existing price item pricing and price assignments.
The Recommended Symbol Indicates the revenue, cost, and profit generated from the recommended price item pricing and price assignments.
The Changed Symbol Indicates the changed revenue, cost, and profit generated from the simulation process.
The In Approver Range Symbol Indicates that the deal level, division level, or product level financial summary is within the limits defined for the user for approval.
The Not In Approver Range Symbol Indicates that the deal level, division level, or product level financial summary is not within the limits defined for the user for approval.
The Approved Symbol Indicates whether the deal level, division level, or product level financial summary is approved or not.

This symbol appears in the header area of the Deal Financial Summary section when the deal level financial summary is in the Approved status.

This symbol appears in the Approval Status column of the Division Financial Summary and Product Financial Summary sections when the division level financial summary and the product level financial summary is in the Approved status respectively.

This symbol appears in the Status column of the Customer Hierarchy section when all the price item pricing and/or price assignments of the respective entity is approved by the approver.
Note: This symbol appears upon simulation only when the ceil & floor limit is in range of the approver or the deal creator.
The Pending for Approval Symbol Indicates that the approval for deal level, division level, or product level financial summary is pending.

This symbol appears in the header area of the Deal Financial Summary section when the deal level financial summary is in the Pending for Approval status.

This symbol appears in the Approval Status column of the Division Financial Summary and Product Financial Summary sections when the division level financial summary and the product level financial summary is in the Pending for Approval status respectively.

This symbol appears in the Status column of the Customer Hierarchy section when the price item pricing and/or price assignments of the respective entity is yet to be approved by the approver.
Note: This symbol appears upon simulation only when the ceil & floor limit is in range of the approver or the deal creator.
The Error Symbol Indicates that the deal level, division level, or product level financial summary is in the error status.
Note: This symbol appears in the header area of the deal level, division level, or product level financial summary sections.

This symbol appears in the header area of the Deal Financial Summary section when the deal level financial summary is in the Error status.

This symbol appears in the Approval Status column of the Division Financial Summary and Product Financial Summary sections when the division level financial summary and the product level financial summary is in the Error status respectively.

This symbol appears in the Status column of the Customer Hierarchy section when the approval of the price item pricing and/or price assignments of the respective entity generated an error.
Note: This symbol appears upon simulation only when the ceil & floor limit is not in the range of the approver or the deal creator.

The Deal Information zone contains the following buttons:

Button Name Button Description
Deal Pricing and Commitments Used to define the consolidated pricing and commitments for the customers or accounts in a deal.
Simulate Deal Used to perform different types of simulation based on the pricing and commitments of the price item to determine the best price that can be offered to the clients as per their requirements.
Check Limits Used to execute the price item ceil and floor validation for an approver as per the limits set on the price item screen.

The Check Limits is run only for the price items which are in the Pending for Approval or Error status after the Pricing Simulation is executed.

The Check Limits button is activated when the Price Item Approval Required option is set to Yes in the Deal Type using which the deal is created.

Send Deal for Approval Used to move the deal from the current role to the next role of the next level in the approval hierarchy for approval.

On clicking the Send Deal for Approval button, a To Do notification is created for the users of the next level to indicate that approval of the deal is required.

A To Do is also created for the creator (i.e. the Relationship Manager) of the deal to indicate that the ownership of the deal has changed.

This button is activated after Pricing Simulation is completed for the deal and if the Approve Deal option is set to Yes for the approver in the Approval Hierarchy of the Deal Approval Profile.

Approve Deal Used to approve the deal. To approve a deal the following conditions should be met:
  • All the price items should be in the Approved status if the Price Item Approval Required option is set to Yes in the Deal Type used for creating the deal.

  • All the division level approvals must be completed if the Division Level Approval Required field is set to Yes in the Deal Type used for creating the deal.

  • All the product level approvals must be completed if the Product Level Approval Required field is set to Yes in the Deal Type used for creating the deal.

  • The deal should be in the Ready for Approval status for the approver to initiate the deal approval process.

    The Approve Deal button is activated only when the deal is in the Ready for Approval status and the Approve Deal option is set to Yes for the approver in the Approval Hierarchy of the Deal Approval Profile.

Note: An email notification is sent to the users in the approval hierarchy for approving the deal once the deal is in the Ready for Approval status
Return to Submitter Used to move the deal from the current role to the previous role of the previous level in the approval hierarchy for approval. It is also used to send the deal to the relationship manager for approval if you have recommended a new pricing for the price item.

On clicking the Return to Submitter button, a To Do notification is created for the users of the previous level to indicate that the deal is returned for approval.

A To Do is also created for the deal creator to indicate that the ownership of the deal has changed.

Finalize Deal Used to finalize the deal so that it is ready to be presented to the customer for approval.
Note: This button is activated when the deal is in the Approved status.
Tip: You can also finalize a deal by clicking the Finalize ( The Finalize Deal Icon ) icon in the Finalize Deal column corresponding to the deal in the Search Deal zone of the Deal Dashboard screen.
Accept Deal Used to accept the deal in the system after receiving confirmation of acceptance from the customer.
Note: This button is activated only when the deal is in the Finalized status.
Tip: You can also accept a deal by clicking the Accept ( The Accept Deal Icon ) icon in the Accept Deal column corresponding to the deal in the Search Deal zone of the Deal Dashboard screen.
Reject Deal Used to reject the deal in the system after receiving confirmation of rejection from the customer.
Note: This button is activated only when the deal is in the Finalized status.
Tip: You can also reject a deal by clicking the Reject (The Reject Deal Icon) icon in the Reject Deal column corresponding to the deal in the Search Deal zone of the Deal Dashboard screen.
Create Deal Version Used to create a deal version for the existing deal to optimize the deal pricing process and to make better pricing decisions.
Note: You can add a new deal version to a deal even if the version of any deal version of a deal is in the Finalized status and the status of the deal is Pending for Approval or Approved.
Discard Deal Used to discard the deal.
Note: You cannot discard a deal if it has reached the Finalized status.
Print Deal Used to extract relevant information about the deal in the pdf or excel format which is published either to the customer for receiving approvals or for internal reviews and validations.
Apply Back Used to activate the proposed pricelist assignments, overridden pricing, and product enrollments for the existing customer or account in the system.
Download Used to download the consolidated pricing and commitments of the entities in a deal.
Note: This button is enabled only when the user has access to the C1_​DEALDWLDUPLD application service.
Upload Used to upload the consolidated pricing and commitments of the entities in a deal.
Note: This button is enabled only when the user has access to the C1_​DEALDWLDUPLD application service.
Previous Used to view information about the previous status of the deal.

In addition, the Deal Information zone header area contains the following links:

Link Name Link Description
Terms and Conditions Used to associate, disassociate, edit, or view the deal terms and conditions. It is also used to add adhoc terms and conditions for the deal.
Deal Log Used to view the complete trail of actions performed on the deal. It also allows you to manually add a log entry for the deal.
Deal Version Log Used to view the complete trail of actions performed on the deal version. It also allows you to manually add a log entry for the deal version.
Adhoc Revenue and Cost Used to add, edit, delete, or view additional charges that are applicable for the deal while deal creation.

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