Deal Information

The Deal Information section allows you to view the details of the deal or the deal version. It contains the following fields:

Field Name Field Description
Division Indicates the division with which the deal is associated.
Deal Type Indicates the deal type using which the deal is created in the system.
Review Date Displays the date which is scheduled for calculating the deal usage as per the commitments made by the customer.
Note: This field is populated when the deal has reached the Full Orchestrated status.
Deal Version Information Displays the concatenated string of information about the deal version separated by a comma (,).
Access Group Indicates the group of users who can view and edit the details of the entity (i.e. the customer, account, or prospect person) for which the deal is created.
Review Frequency Indicates the duration for which the deal is monitored to calculate the usage of the deal as per the commitments made by the customer.
Effective Start Date Displays the date from when the deal is effective for the entity (i.e. the customer, account, or prospect person).
Note: This field is populated when the deal has reached the Customer Accepted status.
Deal Description Displays the description of the deal.
Customer Segment Displays the business component to which the entity (i.e. the customer, account, or prospect person) belongs.
Creation Date Displays the date when the deal is created in the system.
Effective End Date Displays the date till when the deal is effective for the entity (i.e. the customer, account, or prospect person).
Note: This field is populated when the deal has reached the Customer Accepted status.
Customer Tier Indicates the customer tier of the customer segment to which the entity (i.e. the customer, account, or prospect person) belongs.
Start Date Displays the date from when the price list, price assignment, and price item pricing is available for the deal.
Acceptance Date Displays the date when the customer has reviewed and accepted the deal.
Note: This field is populated when the deal has reached the Customer Accepted status.

If the Deal Status is Rejected then the Acceptance Date specifies the date when the deal is rejected by the customer.

Deal Currency Indicates the currency in which the financial summary and profitability is calculated for the deal.
End Date Displays the date till when the price list and price assignment is available for the deal.
Finalized Date Displays the date when the deal is finalized in the system.
Note: This field is populated when the deal has reached the Customer Accepted status.
Simulation Type Indicates the simulation type using which the financial summary and profitability is calculated for the deal. The valid values are:
  • Account

  • Customer

  • Deal

Usage Period Indicates the period for which you want to aggregate the deal data to determine the scope of the deal. The valid values are:
  • Biannually

  • Monthly

  • Quarterly

  • Yearly

Deal Frequency Indicates the duration in which you want to simulate the deal for calculating the financial summary and deal profitability. The valid values are:
  • Biannually

  • Monthly

  • Quarterly

  • Yearly

In addition, the Deal Information section header area contains the following fields:

Field Name Field Description
Deal Information Displays the concatenated string of information about the deal separated by a comma (,).
Deal Status Indicates the current status of the deal. The valid values are:
  • Applied/Processed

  • Approved

  • Closed

  • Customer Accepted

  • Discarded

  • Draft

  • Error

  • Finalized

  • Fully Orchestrated

  • Hierarchy Creation Deferred

  • Inactive

  • Orchestration Deferred

  • Partially Orchestrated

  • Pending for Approval

  • Pending for Review

  • Pending Simulation

  • Pending for Orchestration

  • Person Simulation Deferred

  • Ready for Approval

  • Rejected

  • Simulated

  • Simulation Deferred

Deal Version Status Indicates the status of the deal version.

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