Answering a Questionnaire for a Deal


To answer a questionnaire for a deal:

  1. Ensure that the Questionnaire zone is expanded in the Deal Information screen.
    A list of questions appear in the Questionnaire zone if the Question Display Order is set to Sequence Based in the Questionnaire Template associated with the deal type. Whereas, if the Question Display Order is set to Rule Based in the Questionnaire Template associated with the deal type, the questions appear based on the answer provided for the previous question.
  2. Click the Previous (The Previous Button) or Next (The Next Button) icons to navigate through the questions or question sets of a rule based or sequence based questionnaire respectively.
  3. Answer the questions as per the Answer Type set for the questions in the Questionnaire Template.
  4. Click the Next button.
    A list of reference customers appear based on the answers provided in the questionnaire.

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Deal Information screen Deal Information
Questionnaire zone Questionnaire
Questionnaire Template screen Questionnaire Template (Used for Searching)