Reference Details

The Reference Details zone allows you to indicate whether you want to copy the pricing or commitments from the reference customer or deal for defining the deal. It contains the following fields:

Field Name Field Description Mandatory (Yes or No)
Person Name Displays the name of the primary person for whom the customer or deal is defined in the system whose pricing or commitments you want to use as a reference for defining the deal. Not applicable
Reference Deal Displays the concatenated string of deal information separated by a comma (,) whose pricing or commitments you want to use as a reference for defining the deal.
Note: This field appears when you select a deal as a reference.
Not applicable
Reference Deal Version Displays the concatenated string of deal version information separated by a comma (,) whose pricing or commitments you want to use as a reference for defining the deal.
Note: This field appears when you are copying reference from a deal which is created for a prospect person.
Not applicable
Division Indicates the division to which the reference customer or deal belongs. Not applicable
Customer Segment Indicates the business component using which the reference customer or deal is defined in the system. Not applicable
Customer Tier Indicates the customer tier of the customer segment using which the reference customer or deal is defined in the system. Not applicable
Refer Usage Used to indicate whether you want to copy commitments from the SQI-based billable charges of the reference customer or deal. Yes (Conditional)
Note: If you select the Refer Pricing option, you need not select the Refer Usage option.
Refer Pricing Used to indicate whether you want to copy the price list assignments and price assignments of the reference customer or deal. Yes (Conditional)
Note: If you select the Refer Usage option, you need not select the Refer Pricing option.
Note: By default, the Reference Details zone does not appear in the Deal Information screen. It appears when you click the Broadcast (The Broadcast Icon) icon corresponding to a reference customer or deal in the Search Results section of the Select Reference zone.

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Deal Information screen Deal Information
Select Reference zone Select Reference