Cancelling a Payment Data File

There might be situations when incorrect payment data file is uploaded in the system. In such case, the system provides you with an ability to cancel the file. However, note that you can cancel a payment data file when it is in the Validated status. In other words, you cannot cancel a payment data file when its records are moved to the staging area or when the payment events are created for the payment data file.


To cancel a payment data file:

  1. Search for the payment data file in the Payment Upload screen.
  2. In the Search Results section, click the Cancel (The Cancel Icon) icon in the Cancel column corresponding to the payment data file that you want to cancel.
    A message appears confirming whether you want to cancel the payment data file.
    Note: The Cancel icon appears when the status of the payment data file is Validated.
  3. Click OK.
    The status of the payment data file is changed to Cancelled.

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