Editing a Payment Staging Record

You can edit a payment record when it is moved from the pre-staging to staging area. On editing a payment record in the staging area, the system does not reflect the changes in the pre-staging area. It only reflects the changes in the staging area.


To edit a payment staging record:

  1. Search for the payment data file in the Payment Upload screen.
  2. In the Search Results section, click the Broadcast (The Broadcast Icon) icon corresponding to the payment data file whose staging records you want to edit.
    The Payment Data Records and Payment Data File Log zones appear.
  3. In the Payment Data Records section, click the Broadcast (The Broadcast Icon) icon corresponding to the payment data file whose staging records you want to edit.
    The Payment Staging Records zone appear.
  4. In the Payment Staging Records zone, click the View (The View Icon) icon in the Payment Staging Record column corresponding to the payment staging record whose details you want to edit.
    The Payment Upload Staging screen appears. It contains the following tabs:
    • Tender Details - Enables you to view and edit the tender control staging details.

    • Payment Advice - Enables you to view and edit the payment staging details.

    • Payment Characteristics - Enables you to view and edit the payment characteristic staging details.

  5. Edit or remove the tender details, if required.
  6. Edit or remove the payment advice details, if required.
  7. Edit or remove the payment characteristics, if required.
  8. Click the Save button in the Page Title area of the Payment Upload Staging screen.
    The changes made to the payment staging record are saved.

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